The Visitor

84 3 2

[August 2018]
[Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido]
[11:45 PM]

(NIghttime, Akechi is walking all by himself. Dressed in his work uniform with his black jacket over it, he is also wearing a white face mask.)

Akechi: *sigh* Another day filling up cars. One of these days I need to get a higher-paying job. I really need a car at this point.



(He feels a droplet splashed on the top of his head.)

Akechi: Hm?

(He looks up, barely seeing clouds covering the night sky. More droplets splashed around his face.)

Akechi: !

(It's about to rain, Akechi begins running back home.)

Akechi: *pant* *pant* *pant!*




(Akechi stops running, feeling exhausted. He is still far from his house and yet he is all drenched by the rain.)

Akechi: *huff*..... *huff*..... *huff*.

(Akechi notices a small bar on his right, across to the other side.)


(It's named "Bar Restare".)

Akechi: (Wouldn't hurt to budge.)...

(Akechi crosses the street, reaching to the bar. He walks in.)

[Bar Restare]

Akechi: .....

(The door opens. Revealing Akechi, who's shivering as water is being shaked off while he forms a small puddle. A female bartender with a short bob-cut hair whose bangs is covering her right eye, wearing a black semi-sleeved shirt and a pair of glasses, is cleaning the counter table. She noticed Akechi's presence.)

Female Bartender: Hm?..... Oh! Uhm. Welcome!

(The bartender bows. Beyond the counter, is a disgruntled middle-aged yakuza member with a slicked-back hair, wearing a maroon suit under his stocky build. He is sitting down on one of the bar's seats, Drinking whiskey and holding a cigarette. He notices Akechi, and glares at him.)

Yakuza member: .....

Akechi: Hi. Do you mind if I stay here for a while?

Female Bartender: Of course! Please, make yourself at home!

Akechi: Thank you.

(Akechi bows. He takes a seat near to the counter, being two seats away from the yakuza member. He continues catching his breath.)

Female Bartender: What could I get you?

Akechi: A glass of water, please.

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