A Fool on Justice

95 4 2

[June 9 2016, Thursday]
[2:20 PM]
[TV Studio]

(Ren and Ryuji head to a hallway with elevators after helping out with the TV crew.)

Ren: *yawn*......

Ryuji: Gaaahh! I'm so pissed off! Aren't we supposed to be guests? Why the hell do we have to be doing manual labor!?

Ren: I don't know, man. One thing for sure is that I'm really tired.

Ryuji: This is bullshit! Going to the bathroom didn't even make me feel any better!

(Ann walks in.)

Ann: Quiet down, will you? *sigh* .....I get how you feel though.... That sucked for the both of us.

(Ryuji looks down briefly.)

Ryuji: Ugghh..... We have to do more tomorrow too?!

(Morgana puts his head out from Ren's duffle bag.)

Morgana: No flaking out, Ryuji.

Ryuji: I know- I know! I gotta be a "good boy", right? Ughh bein' Phantom Thieves ain't easy....

Ren: *yawn* I wanna blow off some steam.

(Ren cracks his neck.)

Ann: Well that reminds me, we can go home straight from here today. We don't spend much time in the area, so why don't we relax and check out some shops beforehand?

Morgana: Oh oh! I know a place! I wanna go to that huge pancake-looking place we passed on the way here! It looked delicious! What was that?

Ryuji: Oh! You mean Dome Town? The round part is a baseball stadium, then along the outside they've got an amusement park.

Ann: It's right in the middle of a business area, but they have some pretty hardcore rides there too.

Morgana: All right..... Let's go! I'll show you just how courageous I am!

Ann: Going in to a scary ride doesn't really prove you any kind of courage.

Ryuji: Not like cats can get on anyways.

Morgana: Really?

Ryuji: Really, You might be able to sneak in if you stay in the bag, but you'd totally puke if you did that. But uh..... Let's just go to Dome Town! I'm really feelin' it now!

Ann: Me too! My stomach is ready for rollercoasters!

Ren: Well it's settled then. I guess a few rides wouldn't hurt.

Morgana: Uhhh..... I think I'll pass on the puke rides....


(Akechi passes by.)

Akechi: Hm?

(He notices Ren and his friends.)

Akechi: Uhm, Excuse me?

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