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(Joker and Crow's battle has ended in a stalemate, everyone in the room is down on the ground, unconscious from the fight that almost lasted half an hour.)



Skull: Ugh-.....

(Skull slowly gets back up, his vision is blurry as he tries to stand still.)

Skull: Ah-... Shit-... Gah!-.... *pant*...

(As his vision clears, he notices Joker and Crow down.)

Skull: J-JOKER!

(Skull rushes to Joker as he limps. He lifts up Joker and wraps his arms into his shoulders.)

Skull: Come on man! Don't die on us here!

(Skull drags away Joker from Crow, while the few of the Phantom Thieves wake up.)

Fox: Urgh-... Agh!...

Mona: Ow-... everyone okay?

(Mona notices Skull and Joker.)

Mona: J-Joker!

(He rushes to him.)

Oracle: Nnh-

(Oracle slowly wakes up, seeing everyone. Her eyes widened alarmingly.)

Oracle: Argh- Samare-..carm!

(An aqua-blue light glowed under everyone, they all wake up as their wounds are lightly mended by itself. Mona reached to Skull and Joker.)

Mona: J-Joker?! Is he okay?!

Skull: Hey man, wake up!

(Skull shakes himself, hoping Joker would wake up.)

Skull: Joker?!

(Joker coughed in response, as he awakens. They sighed in relief as the rest of the Thieves noticed him. They all rushed to him.)

Noir: Joker!

Panther: Is he alright?!

Joker: Ugh-...... How's everyone?

Queen: We're okay!

Fox: What about Akechi?!

Joker: Don't worry.

(Everyone but Joker looked at Crow, who's on the ground and unconscious.)

Dark Crow: ......

Mona: We need to get the safe room first, we can't send the calling card in this state.

Joker: Yeah- let's go...

(Joker lifts away Skull's arm, as he limps ahead with the rest.)

Skull: H-hey.

Shin Megami Tensei: Dark PhantomWhere stories live. Discover now