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[Tokyo Skytree]

(Joker and Aoyama exchange their glares along with their Personas.)

Aoyama: Let's finish this.....

(Aoyama slowly enters to his stance. It appears to be similar to an orthodox boxing stance but with his hands open.)

Aoyama: AMAMIYA!

Joker: RAOUL!

(Raoul dashes to Aoyama and Thanatos in command.)

Aoyama: Go, Thanatos!

(Thanatos dashes against an oncoming Raoul. As the two neared to each other, they let out their right fists.)

Raoul: URRYAA!

Thanatos: HRRRAAAH!

(They both made a right swing, but their fists clashed. A wave of air lashes out on impact. Thanatos then pushes Raoul away and draws out his sword.)

Thanatos: GRAAAAH!

(Thanatos makes an overhead strike but Raoul quickly evades by dashing backwards. Thanatos then follows it up with an inward swing, Raoul then dashes back once more. The former then quickly rams him.)

Raoul: Ngh!-

(Raoul is pushed, opening himself up. Thanatos quickly goes for another overhead blow. He sends the sword down, but Raoul quickly stops it in time by grabbing a hold of the blade.)

Thanatos: HMPH!

(Thanatos overpowers Raoul's hold, sending it down. The blade hits Raoul's left shoulder.)

Raoul: Tch-

(Raoul continues to push back against Thanatos's sword as the latter tries to drive it down further.)

Thanatos: I..... am the end of everything. To stop me is a useless effort.

Raoul: I beg to DIFFER!

(Raoul surges in with energy and overpowers against Thanatos's sword, leaving him staggered. He makes a push kick, sending him away.)


(Raoul dashes his way to Thanatos and lets out an overhead punch. The latter quickly noticed and protects his head with his left arm.)

Raoul: YAAAAH!

(The punch is made against Thanatos's arm. A loud bang is made, overwhelming against Thanatos's defense. He is sent flying.)

Aoyama: Return!

(Thanatos is withdrawn. Aoyama then dashes his way to Joker.)

Joker: Tch- Raoul, come back!

(Raoul is then withdrawn as Joker dashes against Aoyama.)

Joker: Hmph-

(Joker sends out a right palm strike, but Aoyama quickly grabs hold of his arm and brings Joker down, slamming him into the ground.)

Joker: Agh!-

(Joker quickly gets back up, and return to his stance. He locks his eyes on Aoyama as the latter readies himself again. Joker initiates another move, he nears to Aoyama and sends out a side kick to his body. But Aoyama counters it by deflecting against Joker's leg with his right elbow. He then subsequently follows it up by sending Joker down to the ground again by using his right arm to push down his body.)

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