From Deep Slumber

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[August 5 2020, Wednesday]
[2:32 PM]
[Ren's Room, LeBlanc Cafe]

(The sun shines throughout Yongen-Jaya, its rays glare through Ren's room

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(The sun shines throughout Yongen-Jaya, its rays glare through Ren's room. Ren is seen to be sleeping on his bed, his body being wrapped with an elastic bandage. Ryuji and Futaba are on the couch, the former using her phone. Morgana is resting on Ren's desk.)


(Ren slowly opens his eyes.)

Ren: .....

(He slowly gets up as he scratches right eye. He feels briefly dazed, and disoriented. The three quickly notice.)

Ren: Ngh-.....

Morgana: Ren!

Ryuji: Yo!

(Futaba quickly stands up from the couch and walks to Ren.)

Ren: Mm.....

Futaba: Hey..... How are you holding up?

Ren: Good. I..... feel a little better. But still.... I feel mentally..... exhausted.

Futaba: Really? *sigh*..... Thought your sudden nap from the ride back home would do the trick. At least your head's fine?

Ren: Yeah..... my mind-..... It feels a little hard to even think for a bit. At least these wounds are healing fine..... but..... what.... happened?

(Footsteps on the stairs are heard, catching their attention. It's Akechi, he notices an awake Ren.)

Akechi: !

(He quickly walks his way to him.)

Akechi: Ren, are you okay?

Futaba: Somewhat.

(Ren looks away for a bit.)


Ren: What happened?....

Ryuji: Well-..... damn..... how do we even explain this?

Akechi: He'll understand.

(Ren slowly crosses his arms as his face makes a curious expression.)



Futaba: You..... were..... a-

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