Set Afoot

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[June 18 2020, Thursday]
[Yuuki Mishima's Apartment, Kawarayamachi]
[2:30 AM]

(Ryuji is wide awake, lying down on Mishima's couch.)

Ryuji: (Damn....What the hell is even happening lately?! Our Personas returning, the Shadows returning, Ren with the Public Security, Yusuke suspected to be a known murderer and then me with that damn mayor! I swear, this isn't a coincidence anymore. Someone is really picking on us!


(This is one hell of a way to dump a lot of shit on me, I can't even find a job anymore thanks to the pandemic bullshit!)


(I need to think of a way, I don't know where Yusuke is right now but Ren needs a hand and quick. But how the hell am I going to get back to Tokyo?)

(Ryuji then slowly ponders.)

Ryuji: (I can take the train back there, yeah..... but it's far away, so I have to take a taxi. But I need money fast..... and there are cops roaming around for my ass..... or are they?)

(Ryuji gets out from the couch and looks through the window.)

Ryuji: .....

(He notices the streets being almost empty, with a few cars going around.)

Ryuji: (Not much cars in the late night, that also means the cop cars too. And with me being in the news, there should at least be 1 or 2 cops patrolling....)

(He then sits back down.)

Ryuji: (I don't know where Ren would exactly be but I should start finding my answers at the café. I need to get back to him quick so I'll start out by tomorrow, better tell Mishima-san about this.)

(Ryuji lies down, starting at the ceiling.)

Ryuji: (Ren, Yusuke, everyone. I hope you're doing alright with whatever's happening at you. I promise we're gonna make this end, together.)

(He continued to stare blankly as the silent air flows through the room.)

[June 19 2020, Friday]
[Convenience Store, Dotonbori]
[1:25 PM]

(Ryuji is browsing for food in the store, Hiding under the hoodie he borrowed from Mishima with a face mask on.)

Ryuji: (Damn..... this is a little frustrating, I'm a walking target. Gotta make it quick!)

(He grabs a slice of sandwich that's kept in a triangular plastic case, He goes to the checkout.)

Ryuji: .....

(He hands his money, then receives his change. Ryuji then walks out through the store.)


(He heads back to Mishima's apartment, his eyes shifting to the left and right, constantly on the lookout.)

Ryuji: (I never thought I'd wear a hoodie in the summers, it's getting warm..... Damn is this how Ren felt? At least his situation was less tense.)

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