The Operatives

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[August 8 2020, Saturday]
[12:00 AM]

Crow: What the hell? What's someone like you doing here!?

Mitsuru: We are like you. Please, we are not a threat. I know you're looking for Aoyama and his Sauveurs.

Everyone: !

(The Phantom Thieves are taken into a realization. A clear implication has been drawn as soon as Aoyama is mentioned.)

Joker: W-wait...... So you must be..... The Shadow Operatives?

Mitsuru: Yes. We are.

Silver-haired man: How the hell did you know?

Joker: Aoyama told me about you.

Queen: We half-expected for your arrival earlier. We had a clash with the Sauveurs.

Skull: Where the hell were you guys!?

Mitsuru: I apologize. Kyosuke's abilities have hindered our efforts to gain intelligence.

Teal-haired woman: We relied on existing, archived data.

Silver-haired man: Yeah. Which is honestly why we sort of gambled on this location and hope you guys are there.

Mitsuru: We came here solely for your help.

Skull: Yeah, sure. But your goddamn robot attacked our guy over here!

Aigis: I deeply apologize. My systems detected this man over here *pointing at Joker* to be classified as a Shadow. I am programmed to exterminate any threat especially during under the Dark Hour.

Joker: I understand. I withhold a Shadow.

Man wearing a cap: Hold up- you have a Shadow!?

Joker: Thanks to Aoyama. Long story.

Mitsuru: Look. I know you seek for answers about the Dark Hour. We know it. We've experienced this before.

Skull: Wait what? Before?

Silver-haired man: Ain't our first rodeo before.

Brunette woman: That's not something to be proud of.

(He switches back to his normal form, followed by everyone else.)

Ren: Alright, let's take your explanations back at the cafe, follow us.

(Mitsuru nods. Ren and the rest walk back to the cafe as the Shadow Operatives follow.)

[Cafe LeBlanc]
[12:00 AM]

(Mitsuru takes the middle seat near the counter, she faces it the other way towards to Ren, who's standing behind a table with his arms crossed, The rest sit near to him whilst the rest stand, The white-haired man then sits next to Mitsuru followed by the teal-haired woman, sitting next to him.)

Ren: Before you proceed, It'd be best if you introduce yourselves.

Mitsuru: Of course..... My name is Mitsuru Kirijo,

Name: Mitsuru Kirijo
DOB: 08/05/1991
Height: 166cm/5'5
Sex: F
Affiliation: Shadow Operatives
Position: Leader
Attribute: Experienced Swordswoman
Persona: Artemisia
Arcana: Empress

Mitsuru: (re: Silver-haired man.) This here is Akihiko Sanada, a long time partner and friend.

Name: Akihiko Sanada
DOB: 22/09/1991
Height: 175cm/5'9
Sex: M
Affiliation: Shadow Operatives
Position: Second-in-Command/Core Member
Attribute: Unmatched Boxer
Persona: Caesar
Arcana: Star

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