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[June 19 2020, Friday]
[The Gas Station, Chuo Ward]
[7:52 AM]

(As Akechi watches the gas station slowly becomes consumed by flames in shock. The firetruck arrives, and firefighters get out and use the water hose to remove the fire. Akechi then looks around the gas station's surroundings.)

Akechi: ..... !

(He sees someone being loaded into the ambulance, he runs his way to it.)

Akechi: Excuse me!-

(He checks the person..... it's Saito. Blood is seen to be slowly dripping down to his forehead.)

Akechi: Oi! Saito-kun!

(Akechi shifts his sight to the first responders who are boarding the ambulance.)

Akechi: H-hey I'm with this guy, He's a friend of mine!

First Responder: Okay then, get in!

[8:12 AM]

(The ambulance rushes to the hospital, the siren blaring through the streets as the cars ahead of it give way. Akechi watches over Saito who's dazed and on the brink of losing consciousness.)

Saito: Ughh....

Akechi: Saito!

(Saito slowly looks at Akechi.)

Saito: K-..... Kei?

Akechi: Hey! I'm right here, Stay with me!

[Sapporo General Hospital, Chuo Ward]
[8:42 AM]

(Akechi is sitting by the bench near Saito's room. He is filled with anxiety as he reflects on the situation.)

Akechi: .....

(The door opens.)

Akechi: !

(Akechi looks at the door opening and sees the doctor heading out.)

Akechi: Doc!

(The doctor stops and notices Akechi, he nods his head.)

Akechi: Thank you.

(Akechi stands up and bows, he then heads into Saito's room.)

Akechi: Saito.....

(He walks to his bed, seeing him in his hospital garb and his head wrapped with bandage.)

Saito: Ugh-..... Kei.

Akechi: You alright?

Saito: Y-Yeah..... *cough*

Akechi: What about the others?

Saito: I don't-..... know..... Where..... are they?

Akechi: Shit-

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