In The Sea of Wealth

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[July 2 2020, Thursday]
[7:30 PM]

(Hours have passed since the Phantom Thieves have armed themselves for the upcoming mission. It now comes close, as everyone in the Phantom Thieves are readying themselves until the mission begins.)

[Phantom Thieves Group Chat - ENCRYPTED]

Makoto: "An hour and thirty minutes remain."

Futaba: "looks like we're almost set"


Futaba: "@Haru how's it going over there?"

Haru: "Just bought a suit."

Ren: "Nice."

Haru: "If you don't mind, can you like come over here just to try it out?"

Ren: "Sure."

Haru: "We obviously can't show up with the van, so you're coming with me in my car.

Ryuji: "Damn, he's taking a luxurious ride!"

Ren: "That'll make sense."

Makoto: "Have you come up with a name."

Ren: "Yeah."

Makoto: "Great then we're all good to go."

Maruki: "After that, we go for the offensive on Aoyama. I wish all of us good luck"

(Everyone reacted to Maruki's message with a heart emoji.)

[8:47 PM]
[Okumura Penthouse]

(The Thieves are waiting near the entrance of the apartment in the van, each of them trying to pass the time such as Ryuji playing a 3DS, Ann fixing her hair, and Yusuke making a quick sketch on his notepad. Meanwhile, Ren occupied himself in Haru's living room, patiently waiting for her to finish dressing up.)

Ren: ...... *yawn*

Haru: How do I look?

Ren: Hm?

(Haru appears near the staircase, she is wearing a pale pink cocktail dress that has a floral pattern encompassing it, combined with white high heels. Ren raises his eyebrows in amazement as he nods his head.)

Ren: Wow, you look dashing.

Haru: R-really?

(Haru mildly blushes.)

Haru: T-thanks, It's the best I can come up with. But anyway- here's yours.

(Haru backs up for a bit before going back to Ren. She is holding a plastic-wrapped suit that has a black coat with a dark red buttoned shirt under it.)

Haru: It's the best I can find..

Ren: Woah.

Haru: Could you mind..... trying it on?

Ren: Alright.

(Ren takes his time, dressing himself up with the provided suit.)



Ren: Well.....How do I look?

How do I look?

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