The Gloves Come Off

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Aoyama: "I heard you were looking for me."

Ren: I thought we can settle this.

Aoyama: "I never figured you'd go first this time. Where do you propose our meeting?"

Ren: Here in the cafe. Alone.

Aoyama: "Okay. I'll be seeing you."

(The line cuts off, followed by a set of beeps. Ren then puts back his phone. He heads up the stairs to his room.)

[Ren's Room]

Ren: Guys.

(Everyone in the room takes their attention to Ren.)

Ryuji: What's up?

Ren: Aoyama called me.

(Hearing his name, their attention has been fully grasped.)

Akechi: What did he say?

Ren: He's making his way here.

Morgana: Gonna talk him out, huh?

Ren: Yeah.

[August 7 2020, Friday]
[12:00 AM]

(Aoyama walks through the streets of Yongen-Jaya with his hands on his pockets. Donning his usual suit, he takes a right, making his way to the cafe.)


(He arrives at the door. He looks up, seeing the cafe's sign. He then looks at the inside through the door's window, seeing no one inside. He knocks at the door, catching Ren and the rest's attention from upstairs.)

Ren: Aoyama.

(Ren heads down followed by everyone else. He gets to the door as they sit by the countertop, while Akechi leans at it with his arms crossed. Ren opens the door.)

Ren: .....

Aoyama: .....

Ren: Aoyama...

Aoyama: Good evening, Ren.

(Ren nods. He lets Aoyama in. He looks around the cafe as the air of tension now fills the room. Everyone has their eyes peeled at him as he walks inside. He looks at the rest.)

Aoyama: Akechi.

Akechi: .....

(Ren takes a seat at one of the customer couches.)

Ren: Sit here.

(Aoyama nods, he sits at the opposite end of Ren. The two's eyes are set against each other as they are apart from the table. Ren takes a deep breath.)

Aoyama: I must admit. Your place has quite a charm. It's a shame I haven't visited it sooner.

Ren: Yeah. This cafe is like no other. Through my days in probation, it calms me no matter how hectic it gets.

Aoyama: I understand. Your case with Shido?

Ren: Yeah.

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