Eyes of Truth

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[June 13 2020, Saturday]
[Niijima Household, Tokyo]
[9:20 PM]

(Nighttime. The Niijima sisters are sitting by the dining table. Sae is doing her paperwork, focused on what she's reading with her small reading glasses. Meanwhile, Makoto is on her laptop.)

Makoto: ......

(Makoto is in an email website, she is sweating rivers as she happens to be anxious. She's typing frantically her email and password. Sae notices, and looks at her with a concerned look.)

Sae: Are you okay there?

Makoto: Y-yeah...

(Makoto's eyes are wide open, focused on her screen as her left index rapidly taps her hip.)


(The lists of inboxed e-mails are being loaded, each of them appearing one by one.)

Makoto: (O-kay Makoto....This is the moment of truth!)


(The screen has been fully loaded.)

Makoto: *gulp*

(The first and latest message happens to be sent from the "Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department". Makoto slowly and frantically moves her mouse to it. Sae continues looking at Makoto with concern.)

Sae: Makoto?

Makoto: Not now, s-sis......

(Makoto clicks the message.)

Makoto: *gulp*

(Makoto reads the message.)

"Dear Ms. Niijima,

We are pleased to extend our warmest congratulations to you on successfully passing all the requisite tests and assessments to become a Detective within the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Your dedication, perseverance, and exceptional performance have truly impressed us throughout this rigorous process."

Makoto: ..... YES!

(Makoto excitedly stands up and pumps her arms upwards. Sae reacts with a surprised look.)

Sae: What is it!?

Makoto: I did it! I'm a DETECTIVE!

(Sae reacts with a surprised look.)

Sae: You did!?

Makoto: YES!

(The sisters hug each other.)

Makoto: I can't believe I did!

(Makoto continues reading the message.)

"Your prowess as an individual based on prior experience as an officer, has proved with honor and capability to be assigned at Division 1. Your official start date will be at "Sunday, June 14, 2020 at 9:00 AM" where you will report and receive further details regarding your initial assignments. We look forward to welcoming you to our team and witnessing the positive impact you will undoubtedly have on our community."

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