The Plan

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[July 1 2020, Wednesday]
[Cafe LeBlanc]
[11:00 PM]

(The cafe has closed again for the day. As Sojiro leaves, Ren has called in another meeting. As of right now only him, Morgana, Ryuji, and Akechi are present.)

Ryuji: Alright! Can't wait to serve that mayor's ass!

Akechi: Let's hope he has our answers, if he truly doesn't have then we are back to square one.

Morgana: Hey don't jinx it, Akechi!

Ren: We still have a day left, this is just the preparation stage for now.

(The door opens with the bells ringing. Revealing to be Futaba, Ann, Makoto, and Yusuke who have entered in.)

Morgana: Welcome back!

(Ann waves her hand with a smile while Futaba sits at one of the seats near the counter.)

Yusuke: I heard you guys infiltrated a military base. Awfully a bold and risky move.

Makoto: All in the name of information, Yusuke. We have to take risks.

Ryuji: Hey at least look at us! We're back in one piece.

Makoto: It's been almost yesterday since that happened, no news broke out or anything?

Futaba: Don't worry, It's all under control.

(Futaba grins.)

Futaba: (Hehe! Spreading misinformation is awesome.)

Ryuji: Are we going all in?

(The door opens again, taking everyone's attention. It happens to be Maruki, who enters in.)

Maruki: Hello guys!

Ren: Maruki-san.

(Makoto looks around the cafe, spotting for anyone who's missing.)

Makoto: Huh? Where's Haru?

Ann: Heard she'll be a lil' late.

Morgana: Guess we'll wait for her. We're going to need everyone here.

Maruki: How are you doing Ren? Heard you sneak through the military.

Ren: Oh I'm good at least.

(Ren briefly moves his right shoulder in a circular motion, alongside his arm.)

Ren: Could've broken a sweat had it not been for Kyosuke.

(Haru then enters in, taking everyone's attention.)

Haru: Sorry to keep you all waiting!

Morgana: Glad you could make it!

Ren: Looks like that's about everyone, Let's get started.

(Everyone gathers themselves, focusing their attention to Ren.)

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