The Stars Align

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[June 21 2020, Sunday]
[9:00 AM]
[LeBlanc Café, Yongen-Jaya]

(Ren puts on his black blazer, and equips his grappling hook. Morgana notices.)

Morgana: You seriously need that?

Ren: Anything could happen outside.

(Ren heads downstairs, he sees Sojiro at his usual counter, Akechi over it and drinking coffee while Ryuji sitting by the customer's seats browsing on his phone. Ryuji notices Ren.)

Ryuji: You' headin' out now?

Ren: Yeah, but a little change of plans.

Akechi: Hm? What is it?

Ren: I decided that you two aren't coming along, only me and Futaba.

Ryuji: Huh? Why?

Ren: Well on one hand, we have an Osakan fugitive. And on the other hand, a dead man walking.

(Ryuji and Akechi are silent as they stare at Ren with a neutral expression.)

Ren: You too, Morgana.

Morgana: Oh..... okay then.

(Morgana jumps to Ryuji's table and curls up, He then yawns.)

Ren: Just..... you guys hang tight for a while. Sojiro-san, any idea where Futaba might be?

Sojiro: At this time? She'd usually be by the house.

Ren: Thanks.

Sojiro: Stay safe.

Ren: Yeah.

(Ren heads out from the café and walks his way to the Sakura's house.)

[Front Door of the Sakura Residence

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[Front Door of the Sakura Residence.]

(Ren buzzes the doorbell.)

Ren: ......


(No one responded, he then buzzes it again.)


(Thuds are heard insides.)

Ren: ?

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