Been Awhile

64 2 0

[June 29 2020, Monday]
[Ren's Room, Cafe Leblanc]
[1:20 PM]

(Ryuji is sitting by the couch with a stern look.)

Ryuji: ....

Mayor Niihara: "*chuckle*........I told you, you'll regret this!"

(Ryuji clenches his fist.)

Ryuji: Damn Mayor.......We'll get you one day!


(Ren is helping out Sojiro as usual. He concentrates on styling the coffee with milk for one of the customers, making a heart.)

Ren: There!

(He finishes it, then serves it to the customer.)

Male Customer: Thank you.

(Ren smiles as he bows, He walks back next to Sojiro.)

Sojiro: So have you found any jobs yet?

Ren: Not yet, Things have been difficult lately with the situations we're having.

Sojiro: Yes, I've heard. You guys held a meeting while the shop was closed, Right?

Ren: Yeah, best we keep it at that for now.

Sojiro: Alright.

(Ren pulls out the heart-shaped pendant and opens it, He looks at the picture of Sumire.)

Ren: *sigh*.....

[Okumura Household.]

(Haru is in the living room, sitting on her couch.)

Haru: (How? How did their Personas come back but me and Ann?)

(Haru continues thinking about it as she gives a confused look.)

Haru: (Let's see it I can ask the chat.)

[Phantom Thieves Group Chat - ENCRYPTED]

Haru: "Question"

Futaba: "?"

Haru: "How did each of you all reawaken your Personas?"

Ann: "Oh yeah I was about to ask that too."

Futaba: "welll..... mine came out of panic or distress id say o.o"

Haru: "Why?'

Futaba: "i was helping ren when he and morgana had their personas back"


Futaba: "when he was confronted by takumi he shut down all communications between me and ren it got me worried a lot that i wished i could help out given how extremely dangerous takumi is"


Futaba: "but then necronomicon came back!"

Haru: "Woah."

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