Dark Phantom

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[August 19 2020, Wednesday]
[12:00 AM, Dark Hour]

(After the long, perilous fight with Nyx's avatar, there's only one more left to do. To seal Nyx. Joker is flying with Raoul. Going straight into Nyx's true, gigantic form, being in the shape of an eyeball. Beneath there rests her soul. Joker enters in through the iris.)

[Inside Nyx]

Joker: .....

(He is met with a pitch blank opening, but continues flying through.)

Joker: .....

(Suddenly a blinding light appears before him. He shields his eyes with his hand.)

Joker: Ngh-

(As his eyes slowly adapts, the light becomes dim enough for him to tolerate. He puts down his hand, seeing himself surrounded by distant stars accompanied by red and green auroras flowing into the light. He is briefly taken in amazement by the sight of it.)

Joker: Woah.....

(He then looks back ahead at the light, inching closer and closer. He reaches the end of the bridge of auroras, entering closer into the light, seeing himself into a pitch black surrounding. The light reveals itself to be a gigantic glowing entity, taking a shape of an egg.)

Joker: ! (Is that

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Joker: ! (Is that..... Nyx?)

(Joker then descends, seeing a cement-like platform that's illuminated by Nyx. He drops down.)

Joker: Return.

(Raoul's wings are withdrawn. He takes his eyes on Nyx again.)

Joker: .....



(He begins to feel a mix of emotions. Having both a sense of doubt yet still feeling obligated to do what must be done. He gulps before letting out a stifled breath.)

Joker: .....



(He walks toward to Nyx with a cautious gait.)



"It hadn't had to be this way."

(Joker hears a voice from ahead. He looks down, seeing Aoyama facing away from him. He briefly grits his teeth as he stopped walking, being steps away from Aoyama.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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