The War for Everyone's Souls

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"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."

- N. Mandela

[August 19 2020, Wednesday]
[12:00 AM, Dark Hour]
[Tartarus, Minato City]


(After both the Phantom Thieves and Shadow Operatives' survival and prevail against everything in Tartarus: They have reached to the very top. The large and bright crescent moon shines upon them as Joker steps out from the end of the stairs followed by everyone else.)

Joker: .....

(They look ahead, seeing Aoyama who's looking away with his arms crossed. Sporting his gray trench coat, with a grey buttoned shirt under it along with black pants and leather shoes.)

Aoyama: .....

(They all stop, distanced between themselves and him. Aoyama closes his eyes out of reluctance.)

Aoyama: *sigh*..... I expected nothing less from all of you.

Joker: You should be.

Aoyama: You even went as far as having Kyosuke too.

Fox: He did it upon himself.

Aoyama: Tch-.....

Aigis: Aoyama.

Mitsuru: This is not the way.

Aoyama: Nothing is. Not without what's inevitable.

Mona: What..... is inevitable!? Death?

Joker: We are standing here now..... and we're no coward to face it. Death is no deterrence to people like us no matter how much we like it.

Aoyama: .....

(Aoyama looks to his right, his face being visible to everyone.)

Aoyama: To me... death is not the end. Nothing ever ends, not even us. You reach the end and you realize everything still goes, you wait for the other path.... an opportunity that will shine before you.

(He then turns around, facing everyone.)

Aoyama: While all of us will depart from this ridden world, a new breed of life will right our wrongs as we live in our own peace.

Crow: Right our wrongs? There are many who are willing to repeat, just like you. And then what!? There will be not enough to right them, let alone none!

Panther: You killed thousands of innocent people around the world, what gives you the right to say all of that!?

Aigis: Death is part of our lives. But to give it to someone is unjust! Death never comforts them!

Aoyama: Others truly know how liberating it is, which is why they take it upon themselves, they know the constraints of reality has failed them!

Kaiser: Reality? I've been in your shoes, and I tried to change the world! But it was never simple, to change all you need to take away one core aspect that makes us human. We're very complex beings, and I understand why we all can't accept what's worse for us. It takes time

Aoyama: I don't find the solution of adapting worthy, especially on such a persistent yet cruel world. That's why I am to rewrite it! For all of us!

Noir: You are what's wrong in this world, you never wonder why our lives and the ones around us are getting harder and harder without looking at yourself!

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