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[Velvet Room][?:?? ?M]

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[Velvet Room]
[?:?? ?M]

[Velvet Room][?:?? ?M]

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Ren: .....



(Ren is in his Metaverse attire as usual, asleep in his open cell.)

Ren: ..... ?

(He slowly awakens, his vision being blurry. )

Ren: Uh-.... uhh...

(He gets off from his bed as he looks at what's ahead of him, his vision becomes clear, seeing Igor.)

Ren: !

(He is taken into surprise in what he saw before him. It's Aigis, who is sitting on a chair near in front of Igor's desk.)

Aigis: ..... ?

(Aigis stands up as she looks at what's behind her, Seeing Ren.)

Aigis: Ren.

Lavenza: Welcome back.

(Lavenza is seen to be standing near Igor's desk, opposite of Aigis. Ren walks towards to them.)

Ren: Aigis?

Igor: Ahh, this is quiet interesting. A fate that brings two of my guests together.

Lavenza: I agree, what a sight.

Ren: Two of your..... wait-

Aigis: Pardon for not explaining it to you before but I too am a guest, for I was a wildcard.

(Ren becomes briefly paused by surprise. Aigis looks around the Velvet Room.)

Aigis: So this is your Velvet Room..... A prison.

Ren: Igor....

Igor: My fellow guest, over our times in playing our part for assistance...

(Igor snaps his fingers, a bright light flashes briefly. The light fades, revealing shards of glass floating around.)

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