Rebelling Strike II

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[4th floor]
[12:15 AM]

Joker: WooOAAAAAH!

(Joker is being reeled from below.)


(He then hits the ground from his back.)

Joker: GAH-....... Aaaaaagh!..... gaaaah!....

(As Joker groans in pain and rocks his back left and right, The claw lets go of Joker's coattails. He then slowly gets back up.)

Joker: Agh-... Aaahh....

(He sees what's ahead of him, which is Jack back at his feet. The claw reels its way back to its housing from his right wrist.)

Joker: ?!

Jack: Heh... you had me up there, Amamiya.

Joker: Tch...

Oracle: "Joker, are you okay?!"

Mona (afar): JOKER?!

(Mona rushes to the hole, seeing Joker and Jack from below.)

Joker: I'm fine.

Jack: Leave us be!

Mona: Joker! You're not gonna do this-

Joker: Mona, Go! I'll hold him off, you get out of here!

Mona: Hey, I'm not leaving YOU!

Joker: I'll be meeting you back outside!

Oracle: "Joker?! She can wait!-"

Joker: JUST GO!

Mona: Tch-....

(Mona jumps down and runs away to the exit.)

Jack: Heh..... what a leader you are.... You're putting yourself ahead for your comrades....

Joker: .....

Jack (cont'd): Or you're just desperate for her?

Joker: Tch-..... Shut up, and fight me.

(Jack smirks.)

Jack: That's the spirit.

(Jack and Joker stare down each other again, both having bruises and cuts all around each other. Blood drips down into Joker's face, as he glared at Jack, the other smirks at him again. The two clenched their fists as it makes a crack.)

Joker: .....

Jack: .....


(The two charge for each other.)

Joker: *pant* *pant*

Jack: *pant* *pant*

(The two now near to each other, Jack lets out his right fist.)

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