What Was Once Gone

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[August 8 2020, Saturday]
[12:00 AM]

(The quake stops, The Phantom Thieves withdraw their Personas.)

Akechi: What is it this time!?

Mitsuru: Yamagishi?

Fuuka: Hold on.....


(Fuuka's eyes widen in shock as her program detects a familiar reading. The rest notice her reaction, their faces reflecting concern and anticipation.)

Mitsuru: What's wrong?

(Fuuka slowly looks at Mitsuru, her face reflecting her shock. The Shadow Operatives catch on to her distress.)

Akihiko: Don't tell me.....

Fuuka: Yes......

(The rest of the Operatives are taken aback as they realize what has happened. The air feels heavy with an impending sense of doom.)

Ren: What is it?

Junpei: Speak of the devil.....

Mitsuru: Where?

Fuuka: Where the Tokyo Tower is, Minato.....

(Fuuka shows her laptop to Mitsuru and the rest. Her screen shows a live satellite image of where Tokyo Tower is, now being Tartarus.)

Ryuji: What the.....

Makoto: That's Tartarus?

Fuuka: Yes.

Mitsuru: Aoyama himself was standing there, letting the Dark Hour come to life, which served as the spawning point for Tartarus.

Akechi: Tartarus nestling all the Shadows inside, this isn't just one of the processes...... It seems as an another defensive way to prevent us from touching him.

Ann: Wait, you said we still got until the next full moon, right?

Mitsuru: Yes.

Akihiko: We don't know that. This is Aoyama's doing after all so things may be different.

Makoto: Regardless. If it's on the full moon then that'll be on the 1st... But since it's gonna be a long way to go, then that means the apathy cases will keep on rising.

Aigis: That is true.

Mitsuru: The sooner the better, but we cannot afford to be too hasty on this.

Ren: Then let's do the usual.

Aigis: Reconnaissance?

Mitsuru: I was thinking the same thing, it's been almost a decade since Tartarus emerged. It would be best to give you the feel to it.

Akechi: We only got until..

(Akechi checks his digital watch, but it isn't displaying anything other than the clear green-ish background.)

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