
35 0 0

[August 19 2020, Wednesday]
[12:00 AM, Dark Hour]
[Tartarus, Minato City]


[BLOCK ???]
[FLOOR ???]

(As everyone in both the Thieves' side and The Opeatives' fall through a dark, massive opening. They are forcefully splintered away by Kyosuke.)


Aigis : Urgh-... Ughh...

(Aigis's loses video feed of her vision, being full of static as she is falling through.)


(Her vision returns, seeing nothing but pitch black.)

Aigis: !?

(She quickly shuts her eyes for a moment..... then opens it again, her eyes have turned green. Her vision is filtered into a night vision mode, illuminating her surroundings. She quickly repositions herself and looks around as she continues falling.)


(She sees someone afar on her right, falling along with her. Her systems begins to detect the person by letting out a beep.)

Aigis: !

[110 M]"

Aigis: Mitsuru!

(Aigis quickly activates her boosters and flies her way to Mitsuru, breaking away from her fall.)

Mitsuru: *pant*...*pant*...*pant*

(Mitsuru grabs for her Evoker as she falls, she puts it at the side of her head and pulls the trigger to release Artemisia. Artemisia then hugs her as a form of protection.)

Aigis: (Come on... Come on!)

(Aigis, showing a scent of desperation in her emotions, is quickly making her way to Mitsuru. She heard the sound of Aigis coming from her left.)

Mitsuru: Aigis!

(Aigis quickly goes above Mitsuru, she lets out her hand.)

Aigis: Mitsuru!

(Mitsuru notices her hand, she quickly grabs it. Aigis lowers down the intensity of her boosters, slowing their descent. Her systems begin to beep again, warning her.)

Aigis: !

[1000 M]

.... [975 M] ...... [890 M]"

Aigis: Hold on!

(She quickly slows them further, Mitsuru feels the sudden g-force pushing down on her.)

Mitsuru: Urgh-

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