A Fox's Game

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[June 14 2020, Sunday]
[Fukuoka Airport]

(Morning, Yusuke is in line with the passengers, continuing their flight back to Tokyo.)

Yusuke: .....

(As he is about to walk up the stairs, He rethinks about his encounter with the masked man.)

[Last Night]

??? (echoey): "We're getting a little too far now, Kitagawa~..... The game's not over, I'll let you be, as you won this round. I look forward to the rest of this."


Yusuke: (So it's not over between us. But thanks to him, my Persona returned. With this occurence..... I'm beginning to make some sense of it..... with Ren, Morgana and Futaba's Persona awakened in light of their situation..... then it would mean that..... he is involved in stopping us Phantom Thieves. I need to warn everyone about this. I need to get to Ren as soon as I can and give him a hand.)

(Yusuke boards into the airplane. He returns to his seat.)


[Resuming flight to Tokyo.]

Yusuke: .....

(Yusuke begins to think about what happened.)

Yusuke: (This..... masked killer..... he too wears the same exact mask as mine. Did he do that to provoke me? Now that I think about it..... is he another one of Kaneshiro's? or some kind of hired assassin? Wait..... Makoto mentioned the captain in Kaneshiro's gang having the same traits like us. Him targeting Ren, that masked man targeting me..... I'm truly beginning to believe one of them is a mastermind who's plotting against us..... or maybe both are working for someone who conspired it.)

(He looks at his right hand.)

Yusuke: (To think Personas in itself would return, especially in a time like this. I foresee things will get worse, no different than the last time we were together as the Phantom Thieves. Whatever comes, I hope the rest are able to awaken theirs.)

(Yusuke puts away his hand. He then looks at the window, seeing the wing of the airplane and the skies.)


(He then begins to feel something warm in his pocket.)

Yusuke:........hm? Why does my leg feel warm?

(Yusuke pulls out the warm object, revealing it to be his phone.)

Yusuke: Huh?


(His phone's screen starts to flash and flicker a white light.)

Yusuke: !

(A crackling noise is heard through the phone's speakers, a distorted audio is then heard..)

"Ki-... ga-... wa....."

(Yusuke begins to feel tense.)

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