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[Shinmido-Suji, Toyosaki, Osaka]
[5:13 AM]

(A convoy of police cars pass through the highway, each with their lights flashing, The police car in the middle, driven by a middle aged officer and accompanied by a younger one. Behind them is Ryuji, on the right side, his arms behind his back with his wrists cuffed and unconscious. His head is leaning into the window.)

Ryuji: .....

(Ryuji slowly opens his eyes, his vision being blurry.)

Ryuji: Ugh.....

(He sees himself being in the car, he then check what's ahead of him, seeing the two police officers.)

Ryuji: .....

Police Officer B: Can't believe we caught a Phantom Thief with that thing back there.

Police Officer A: What thing?

Police Officer B: That tracking chip, that's gotta be one hell of a plan.

Police Officer A: Ah yeah, I heard the commissioner was behind it.

Police Officer B: Oh yeah, I can see why he specifically urged us to take that plan.

Police Officer A: Actually, it was under the advice from the Tokyo department. Some detective who was investigating on the Phantom Thieves informed the chief.

Police Officer B: Detective? Oh, you mean Watanabe?

Police Officer A: Yeah, he was supposed to be with us but he's currently over at Sapporo as part of his investigation.

Police Officer B: Props to him and his research, I thought it was far fetched at first but he got Sakamoto down.


(The police cars makes their way, they through the bridge.)

Police Officer B: If I want to be honest, I kinda want to give up my badge.

Police Officer A: Hm? Why so? You've been with us for three years and you're doing a pretty good job.

Police Officer B: I know, it's just..... Doesn't it feel a little wrong now? We're pretty much arresting people left and right under the mayor.

Police Officer A: Do we have a choice? Remember two years ago?

Police Officer B: I know..... 20 of our guys went against Niihara, most of them died and were kept silent. Even the Public Security had to be involved.

Police Officer A: It was like a civil war for us in the force. I get what you mean, but we gotta do this if we wanna keep our lives on the line.

Police Officer B: I know, I just wish- there was some way.....


Police Officer B: Cone to think of it? Why does the mayor rely so much on commissioner Kugihara?

Police Officer A: Both know each other way back before I even joined the force. Ever since Niihara took the seat of a mayor, we've been under his payroll for a while now. In fact, he's the reason why our pay is big.

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