Sumire Yoshizawa

97 1 0

[Train Station, Tokyo]
[April 12 2016, Tuesday]
[8:00 AM]

Ren: .....

(Ren is heading to school, he goes down to where his designated train is. He stops before a group of people who are waiting for the train to arrive. He yawns and stretches himself.)

Ren: ..... (First few days into Shujin, I really hate this stigma.)

Shujin Schoolgirl: Look, isn't that her?

Shujin Schoolboy: You mean that one with the red ribbon? Uh I guess so?

Ren: (Huh?)

(Ren looks at a red-haired girl with a red-ribbon.)

Shujin Schoolgirl: She's so thin! It's not fair, I've got my hair in a ponytail too.

(The red-haired girl looks to her back, checking the train station clock. Revealing her face.)

Ren: .....

(Ren notices her, glancing at her red eyes. She happens to be wearing a Shujin uniform. Ren raises his eyebrows out of surprise, as he blushes briefly.)

Ren: ...... (Wow... she... really looks cute, I admit.)

(The girl looks back ahead, Ren sighs as his eyebrows lowered and his eyes slightly narrowed.)

Ren: (What am I thinking?.... She'd probably be like the rest, steering clear from me because of my "crimes".)

(The train arrives. Ren and everyone waiting else in line goes inside. They all squirm into the jam packed car. Eventually, Ren manages to find a space, being a step away from the red-haired girl's seat.)

Ren: .....

(Ren is blankly staring at the ceiling of the train, going over his thoughts about yesterday.)

Ren: ..... (Damn what the hell was that? The school became a castle... I had this... weird power... and I met this... cat? Huh.... It feels like a fever dream.... I'm really missing home right now.)



(An old woman is standing in front of her seat, The red-haired girl notices.)

Red-Haired Girl: Please! Take my seat. My station's coming up.

(She stands up, Ren notices.)

Old Woman: A-are you sure? Then...

(The old woman tries to take a seat, but a businessman quickly gets in the way and steals the seat. The two are surprised.)

Red-Haired Girl: Oh wow, what speed!.....I mean!- Excuse me sir, That seat was for the lady....

(The businessman is asleep, unable to hear anything what's around him.)

Red-Haired Girl: Oh...

Ren: Want me to "wake him up"?

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