As Above, So Below

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[August 14 2020, Friday]
[12:00 AM, Dark Hour]

(After two days of rest, The Phantom Thieves and Shadow Operatives resume operations. Returning to their last spawn point, at Block 3's Safe Floor, they climbed the stairs to the next block.)

[BLOCK 4 - 1 - TZIAH]

(Completing the set of stairs, they enter the next block. Its surroundings are fully cladded with gold. Its walls and pillars taking design cues from the Greek and Roman eras.)

Noir: W-wow.....

Skull: This feels like..... that part we entered in Madarame's palace.

Panther: Well atleast it isn't bright as his. Oddly reminds me of Shido's Shadow too!

Fuuka: Like last time, this floor houses 4 shadow guardians.

Oracle: My readings are telling me that this block is going to be a world of pain. So let's do the best we can, alright?

Junpei: Oh you know it!

Mitsuru: We must move now.

[FLOOR 122]

(They arrive to the first Shadow guardian's floor of this block. 3 Shadows appear, all of them appear to be as gray tanks with a yellow-colored top. The Phantom Thieves are taken into immediate surprise.)

Skull: What in the shit!?

Panther: A tank!?

Fuuka: Arcane Turrets of the Chariot Arcana. Despite their armor, slashing it would still deal damage-

(One of the tanks aim their barrel at them, catching their attention.)

Yukari: Guys..... I find it best if we move now!-

(The tank opens fire at them, they're all sent away, taking a hit as a large puff of black smoke appeared. Each of them hit the ground, tumbling. They get back to their feet, as they cough.)

Mitsuru: *cough* *cough* Everyone okay!?

Joker: *cough* Yeah!-

Oracle: At least- *cough* it isn't as painful as I expected!

Akihiko: T-Tch!..... F-Fuuka! Aren't they weak to electricity?!

Fuuka: They are!

(Akihiko quickly begins to sprint around them as soon as the smoke clears. One of the tanks aim at him. He pulls out his Evoker then places it to his head.)

Akihiko: Maziodyne, Caesar!

(Caesar is summoned and casts out his electric spells. An array blue thunders are struck down each of the tanks.)

Skull: Well in that case, I'm going in too! Captain Kidd!

(Captain Kidd is summoned. He shoots his cannon at the tanks, draped with high voltage yellow electricity. They hit the tanks, denting their armor as they get electrocuted.)

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