Never Your Time

24 0 0


[??? ???, ????]
[???, ???, ???]
[??: ?? ??]

(Seemingly nowhere, an empty, boundless expanse stretches out, pure white as far as the eye can see.)


(A gentle breeze whispers through the air, carrying with it delicate petals from a lone Sakura tree.)


(Time feels suspended in this unknown place, each moment lingering in a never-ending halt, with not a single second passing.)


(The air continues its soft, endless flow...)


(Somewhere in this clear, empty land...)


(A red-haired woman lies on the ground, unconscious, as if she had passed out and drifted into this surreal realm.)







(It's Sumire, seen to be with her hair straight down and wearing her white sweater with an orange skirt, black pantyhose and black boots..... her eyes slowly open up.)

Sumire: .....

(She slowly gets up, feeling dazed.)


(Through her mildly blurred vision, She sees her eyeglasses on the ground. She picks it up and puts them on.)

Sumire: ..... ?

(She looks around..... everything she sees is the clear white atmosphere, as the air flows through her hair, mildly going to its right and along with the wind....)

Sumire: .....

(She begins to walk towards, exploring the unknown world she finds herself in.)



Sumire: (Where...... am I?......)



(She looks to her left and right as she continues walking.)



Sumire: !

(She sees a handful of sakura petals flowing past her.)

Sumire: (Huh?....)

(More of them pass by, going in the same direction. Hoping it may lead her somewhere, Sumire follows the petals.)


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