The Mark

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[June 12, 2020, Friday]
[Art Museum, Naha, Okinawa]
[10:50 PM]

(An art exhibition is being held in the museum, showcasing all the newly released paintings that caught the eye of the public. Among these is a painting of a tired and battered angel in a dark background, surrounded by white and gray strokes that are akin to the waves of the ocean, and splattered with blood. The angel is holding a bow and arrow while blindfolded. The painting has gathered in many people for them to see. Under the painting has a plaque, saying "Atravesar" and under it saying "Yusuke Kitagawa". Behind the crowd is Yusuke, wearing a jet black suit with a purple buttoned shirt underneath. He is watching them observe his painting.)

Yusuke: ......

(Yusuke takes the time to look at his work.)

Yusuke: (I could've refined it more, my proportion was a little off had it not been for what happened the other day. Hmmm..... I also miss that part too.)

(He then walks away, looking by the other paintings.)

Yusuke: ......

(He stops before the painting that caught his eye. It is a bust up painting of a woman looking upwards with her eyes closed and her hands going down from her face. The bottom of the painting show a part of her fading away into particles, going from her body and reaching to her neck. Yusuke looks at the plaque, bearing the name "Noiseless" with the artist being "Natsuhiko Nakanohara". Yusuke smiles.)

Yusuke: Quite an impressive work you made, Nakonahara. Even after your years as a teller, it seems it didn't make a single bother to your prowess.

(Yusuke then yawns, he checks the time on his Seiko wristwatch, displaying the hands saying "10:51". He yawns.)

Yusuke: I am awfully getting sleepy after all the work I've done.

(He then walks away.)


"Well if it ain't the prodigy himself!"

Yusuke: Hm?

(Yusuke looks back. A middle-aged man in a grey suit approaches to Yusuke. His eyes briefly widened up, recognizing the man before him.)

Yusuke: Oh- Shinpachi-sama.

[Kosuke Shinpachi: A renowned artist who has a distinctive style that can match up to Madarame. He is fairly known in the art world and most of his works have received high praise, Some may say that he is a rival to Madarame but Shinpachi doesn't find it as so.]

Shinpachi: I must say, you look dashing in that suit.

(Shinpachi shakes Yusuke's hand.)

Yusuke: I say the same.

Shinpachi: I've come to see your latest piece and it must be really turning some heads. Reminds me of my older works.

Yusuke: I've been working on a lot of projects around the clock since quarantine. Though.....

(Yusuke briefly expresses discomfort.)

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