Iron and Flesh

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[June 19 2020, Friday]
[Yusuke's Apartment, Tokyo]
[2:20 PM]

(Yusuke is digging out his items from his wardrobe.)

Yusuke: (Where did I keep it?)



Yusuke: There!

(It's a long enclosed box, Yusuke opens it.)

Yusuke: Hmph.

(It reveals to be his katana enclosed in its grey scabbard, He picks it up. He walks away from his wardrobe as he examines it. He slowly pulls it out from its scabbard, seeing his eyes from the blade's clear reflection. He stares at it.)

Yusuke: .....

(Memories from his time as a Phantom Thief flashed before his eyes.)

Yusuke: Never thought that I'd use you again

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Yusuke: Never thought that I'd use you again.

(He withdraws his katana.)

[3 Days Ago]
[Niijima Household, Tokyo]
[7:00 PM]

(Sae is reading documents on the couch, with her glasses on.)

Sae: .....


(The front door begins to be unlocked, it opens, revealing a tired Makoto. Sae notices.)

Sae: Makoto!

(She stands up and walks to her as the latter enters in and closes the door. She checks on her sister.)

Sae: What happened? Please, sit down.

(Sae walks her to their couch. They both sat down.)

Sae: Makoto? What's going on?

Makoto: *pant*..... You know those blood-marked cases I've been working on?

Sae: Why? What about it?

Makoto: I..... I met the perpetrator. He almost murdered me.

Sae: What!?

Makoto: I managed to give him a good beating but- He's not backing down and he's possibly coming for you.

Sae: Damn- Was he very elusive?

Makoto: "Very" is an understatement. What matters now is that I have to keep you safe.

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