First Turn

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[June 30 2020, Tuesday]
[Yongen-Jaya, Cafe Leblanc]
[12:57 AM]

(Ren has dropped off Ann at her apartment before they head back to Yongen-Jaya. Everyone walks their way to the cafe, reaching the door. Ren opens it, ringing the bell,)

Akechi: Hey- I'll be with you guys for a bit.

(Ren and Ryuji caught Akechi's attention before entering in.)

Ryuji: Huh? Why?

Ren: Off to do your smokes?

Ryuji: Wait- he smokes?

Akechi: Yeah..... clears my mind most of the time.

Ryuji: Dude- you're like the least person I could've thought of when it comes to smoking.

Akechi: Wouldn't hurt to try something new, you know?

Ren: Come on, let's head up.

Ryuji: Yeah, I'm hella tired man.....

(The two head inside the cafe along with Morgana who was resting inside Ren's duffel bag, leaving Akechi alone to smoke next to the door.)



[Ren's Room]
[1:22 AM]

(Everyone is asleep...... everyone but Ren. He's laid on the bed, staring at the ceiling wide awake as the silent air flows through the room.)

Ren: .....

(Ren pulls out the pendant Sumire gave to him, he opens it to glance at the picture of him and her.)

Ren: ......

[December 24 2018, Monday]
[Ren's Room, Amamiya Household, Japan Outskirts.]
[11:32 PM]

(Ren is resting on his bed.)

Ren: (..... Christmas Eve, I wonder how's everyone doing?)

(He grabs his phone from his pocket, a Sony Xperia. He unlocks it and opens the gallery app. He looks at one of the pictures, which is the day the Phantom Thieves of Heart were officially established.)

(MAY 5 2016 - THURSDAY)

2016年5月5日木曜日(MAY 5 2016 - THURSDAY)

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Ren: ..... (Wow.... do I miss you guys.)


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