Off From The Ground

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[June 17 2020, Wednesday]
[Takeshiba Pier, Minato City, Tokyo]
[1:10 AM]

(Following from Joker, Mona and Oracle's fight with Public Security, they're all down on the ground, unconscious. Along are piles of bodies of the agents, they all are now currently suffering with Apathy Syndrome, unable to move. Meanwhile, Joker is badly beaten, his right elbow being dislocated thanks to Violet. All three slowly revert back to their normal forms.)


(Morgana wakes up, feeling dazed. He is riddled with bruises.)

Morgana: Ugh-.....

(He stands back up to his four limbs and shakes his head. He then looks around.)



Morgana: !?

(He spots Ren who's down on the ground, unconscious.)

Morgana: REN!

(Morgana runs to him, he then tries to shake him using his paws.)

Morgana: H-hey Wake up! Wake uuuup!

(Futaba awakens up, barely having wounds on herself.)

Futaba: GAA-.....aah!

(She feels the pain on her right hip as it is slightly bleeding, and a bullet falls out.)

Futaba: AGH!-..... Huh?

(She picks up the bullet she got shot at, the blue light that was glowing in the fades to black.)

Futaba: .....

(She takes a close gander at the bullet..... but can't properly make it out because of its unique design.)

Futaba: Woah..... what is..... that?

(She keeps the bullet in her right pocket then looks away.....seeing Morgana waking Ren up, afar.)

Futaba: !?- REN!!!!

(Futaba runs to him.)

Futaba: H-hey! Get up!

(She puts up Ren to her shoulders, looking at his battered body.)

Futaba: Dear god- his arm's no good!

(He briefly awakens and pants out. His eyes slightly opened, trying to fully widen them.)

Ren: Ugh-.... Agh!.....

Futaba: Ren you're badly hurt! But I want you to remain calm alright!?

Morgana: What are you going to do?

Futaba: Morgana, does your Persona still have its healing spells?

Morgana: Yeah?

Futaba: Good! Cast it when I say so.

Morgana: A-Alright, Zorro!

(Morgana summons Zorro whilst Futaba holds Ren's right wrist.)

Futaba: Ren, this is going to hurt!-

(Futaba makes a swift and controlled motion, making a loud, crunchy sound. A quick sting of pain seeps in and settles as Ren grimaces in pain.)

Ren: AAGH!-

Futaba: Now!

Morgana: Dia!

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