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[August 6 2020, Thursday]
[11:00 AM]

[Phantom Thieves Group Chat - ENCRYPTED]

Ren: "@everyone"


Ren: "I just fought two of the Sauveurs' last night."

Yusuke: "Both Matsushige and Minami?"

Futaba: "yep"

Makoto: "How did you make contact with them?"

Ren: "They called me out for a fight. All because that I'm withholding a piece of Aoyama's power."

Makoto: "Aoyama's power?"

Ren: "Yeah.

Futaba: "it's that shadow living in ren. he still has it."

Ann: "Wait. Ren is still a Shadow then?

Futaba: "technically. thing is it's his heart that keeps him human. but he still keeps the boost of strength from the shadow itself."

Haru: "Woah. So he's just a half human half Shadow?"

Futaba: "simply put. quite weird, i know"

Ryuji: "Dude you should've seen how his fight went against those two. Shit was awesome!"

Makoto: "But did you get anything from them?"

Ren: "Aside from their ideals? No. Not this time."

Akechi: "As I expected from them."

Ren: "So we'll stick back to waiting for anything from them."

Makoto: "What if that's how they exactly want us to do? Time's ticking."

Akechi: "We're only their main concern. No matter how much they try to hold us back, he knows by the time their plan starts, we'd be there to stop it."

Ren: "And given we've stopped Yaldabaoth or Maruki, Aoyama surely has his concerns about us."

Futaba: "i can see why he got ren."

Ann: "You know, you say it like it was the easiest thing we have ever done."

Ryuji: "We almost died back there, twice!"

Ren: "And I'd gladly do it again. If it means for the sake of not just for ourselves, but for everyone."

Haru: "Still, it really wouldn't hurt to try to push forward and end things quicker. Remember, we still have Sumire to save."

Ren: "I know."

Makoto: "What about their "ideals" in question?"

Ren: "Saving that for our next meeting. It's quite big but it's still what we expect."

Makoto: "11 as always?"

Ren: "Yep."


(Ren and the rest put away their phones.)

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