Judgement II

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[August 19 2020, Wednesday]
[12:00 AM, Dark Hour]
[Tartarus, Minato City]

[BLOCK ???]
[FLOOR ???]

(Following onto both the Phantom Thieves and the Shadow Operative's survival against an ambush of Shadows in a maze of an unknown block situated from Tartarus, They continue to fight on. Seemingly starting to be like there's no escape due to the inability in knowing their locations and having communications, their only objective right now is to keep heading back upwards.)


(Fox and Crow, are forcefully split apart into two separate staircases from each other, after a series of battles and further advancing through the floors. Fox is taking rest on the door before him, sitting down with his legs crossed. Crow enters in his door.)

Crow: .....

(He transitions into his darker form, as he opened it, revealing to be a pitch black opening. He enters in..... and clenches his fist.)

Dark Crow: Tch...

(The door behind slams shut by itself.)

Dark Crow: !

(He quickly looks back, seeing nothing but pitch black too.)

Dark Crow: Huh..... so? Is this some kind of trap for me or what?


(His voice echoes through the atmosphere.)

Dark Crow: .....

(Crow begins to feel a little uneasy whilst focused, he slowly walks ahead with caution. His footsteps echo through along with the sound of his armor clinking.)


"Well well well.... one of our contestants have made it to the finals!"

Dark Crow: !?

(Crow's eyes alarmingly widened.)

Dark Crow: Tch...

(He then walks faster ahead.)


(Lights quickly opened up, briefly blinding Crow.)

Dark Crow: !?

(Crow briefly closes his eyes while shielding it with his arm. He then puts it away and opens his eyes, seeing himself in an empty spacious room with a checkered floor and walls that are similar to the first block..... he looks ahead..... seeing Sho.)

Dark Crow: Tch-... You!

(Sho smiles.)

Sho: Aww.... I was expecting the leader! But.... this will do. You look like a very formidable one aren't you? A fellow swordsman too.

Dark Crow: Tch.... I was expecting Matsushige, where is he?

Sho: Oh, he's on a different assignment. Perhaps he's expecting you too, But nevermind that.

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