Chapter 6 - The Chase - Rewritten

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It takes Ahsoka a surprisingly short amount of time to find Padme. She's not going to go to the Council for information – they'd never give her any. She's only a Padawan, and they would never allow her to go after Hardeen, even though she's capable. If she's going to track him down, she has to find a different way.

"Ahsoka!" exclaims Padme, starting slightly when she enters her office, "I wasn't expecting to see you here right now."

"Hardeen escaped from prison," Ahsoka explains quietly, "After what he did... I want to be involved in searching for him. He can't be allowed to get away. Besides, it would be easier for a Jedi to find him than anyone else." If the bounty hunter was able to kill a Jedi Master, it would be hard for any authorities other than the Jedi to arrest him.

"Of course," Padme agrees, "What do you need?"

"I was wondering if you have any idea where he might have gone. I mean... have you heard anything at all from the Senate?" she queries.

"No, I haven't," she answers, "But maybe you could try asking Palpatine."

"The Chancellor?" Ahsoka echoes, a note of incredulity in her voice.

If Anakin was here, it would be easy. Her master talks to him all the time, but she's pretty much never been in the room during the conversations. Palpatine has always asked her to remain outside his office. Asking to meet him seems... strange, but Anakin isn't here to do it, so she'll have to take care of it for him. This is what he would have wanted, she knows it. If he can't be here to bring Hardeen to justice for what he did to Obi-Wan, he would want Ahsoka to be involved, regardless of what the Council or anyone has to say on the matter.

"If anyone's heard more about it, it's the Chancellor," Padme asserts. "If you like, we can speak with him." She hesitates slightly. "Ahsoka, where's Anakin? What's happened to him?" The question freezes her in place for a moment.

Ahsoka swallows. She doesn't know if Padme knows, but if she doesn't, Ahsoka isn't going to tell her. "Oh," she says quietly. "I thought you heard."

"Heard what?" Padme queries, frowning.

"His fighter was found crashed, and the Council thinks he might be dead. I don't think he could die like that but..." she trails off with a shrug. "Maybe he had an accident, I don't know, but I do know that he would want me to do something about Hardeen."

Padme nods. "Yes, of course," she agrees with a slightly strained smile. "He would." Standing, she motions to Ahsoka. "Come with me. We can go speak to the Chancellor now. If anyone had reports about the fugitives, he does."

They exchange small talk as they walk through the halls of the Senate, and Ahsoka realizes that she feels more at ease in Padme's presence that she has around all the Jedi recently, save Anakin. Padme knows the grief of losing Obi-Wan. She understands the pain that Ahsoka is feeling, and she's not hiding it or suppressing it like the Jedi do.

The Chancellor welcomes them into his office, listening attentively as Padme explains the situation. "I completely agree with you, my dear. Something must be done. The Council contacted me only minutes ago, saying that they are removing the bounty on the fugitives. That is unacceptable."

"They what?" Ahsoka squeaks, wide-eyed with horror. How could they do something like that? Do they even care that Obi-Wan is dead because of Hardeen? What could they possibly have to gain from such a move?

"Yes, I am afraid that they do not share your point of view, young Tano," Palpatine tells her with a small grandfatherly smile. For some reason, it's unnerving instead of reassuring. "My sources tell me that the fugitives were last seen on Nal Hutta. You must trust your feelings; they will serve you well, as your master has taught you."

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