Chapter 15 - Kidnapped

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Thankfully, the wing of the Temple containing the apartments is peacefully silent, enabling Anakin to move rapidly. He doesn't want anyone who might be monitoring the cameras to see him leaving with Obi-Wan. Keeping his head lowered, Anakin enters the main halls of the Temple minutes later.

He's almost to the agreed upon exit when he senses someone approaching. He can't backtrack because the distance is too far, and he doesn't want to be forced to fight, so he trusts on the Force summoning it to create an illusion around him and Obi-Wan. It doesn't often work on Force-sensitives, especially well-trained ones, but it's his best defense for now.

Projecting the illusion with all his strength, Anakin continues slipping along the hall carrying Obi-Wan. Soon, a Jedi Knight – a Twi'lek – steps around the corner. Someone Anakin doesn't recognize. He stops looking around, seemingly confused by the strength of the Force in the hall. With another curious glance down the hall, his eyes lingering too long in Anakin's direction for Anakin's liking, the Knight hurries away.

Anakin lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, though his tension barely dissipates. It's all he can do to hold himself together while he dashes towards the exit. Pushing it open, he sees Dooku waiting outside. Neither of them speaks while they transport the unconscious Obi-Wan to the shuttle.

When inside, Anakin lays his brother down on a cot inside one of the two cabins. After ensuring that he's secure and fitted with Force-restraints, Anakin returns to the cockpit, holding onto his emotions by a single thread.

Dooku regards Anakin silently, while he fires up the engines and blasts into space. "Program the hyperdrive with the coordinates to Serenno, Artoo," orders Anakin, his voice emotionless. The droid whistles affirmatively, letting Anakin know the ship is ready to jump into hyperspace. Anakin pulls the lever, sending the ship into hyperspace. Mission complete.

"You did well," compliments Dooku. Anakin nods, barely hearing the words.

"Watch the ship, Artoo," Anakin instructs before he makes his way back to Obi-Wan's side. He stares down at his brother's face, barely able to believe that he's there. Anakin sits down on a chair next to the bed, unable to leave even though he knows he should. He lets his left-hand rest on his brother's arm, touching Obi-Wan for the first time since his "death."

Anakin rests his right arm on the bed, burying his face against it and giving in to his tears. Can he forgive what happened? Yes, he can, and he knows it, but the real problem is deeper. His biggest weakness has always been fear. Since he loves so deeply, he's always been afraid of loss, and he was forced to face that fear when Obi-Wan left him. Sometimes, he thinks it might be easier to hold on to his pain, so he doesn't need to feel new losses.

Maybe he does need to talk to Obi-Wan. His former master always had the ability to help Anakin, even if he didn't necessarily want help. The pain isn't as strong as it once was, but it hurts him deeply. Whenever he talks to Obi-Wan, he knows it will all come back, and he's not sure if he's ready for it. He probably never will be.


Obi-Wan knows something is amiss before he wakes up. Not only can he not manipulate the Force like always, but also his senses tell him something is wrong. When he opens his eyes and takes in his surroundings, he's not particularly surprised to find himself in a strange bedroom with Force-restraints. What does surprise him is that he was kidnapped from the Temple. How could anyone get inside?

His questions are answered moments later when the door opens and the very unwelcome figure of Dooku steps inside. "It's good to see you awake, Master Kenobi," the Sith Lord speaks quietly. He whispers something in hushed tones to someone outside before walking towards the bed.

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