Chapter 49 - Homeward Bound

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It's several minutes before Obi-Wan pulls out of Anakin's mind, though he leaves their bond open. "We should get out of here," states Ahsoka flatly. "I don't want to spend one extra moment on this creepy planet."

Anakin huffs out a laugh. "I, for one, agree with you." He carefully pulls himself to his feet, and Ahsoka immediately wraps her arms around him. Anakin can sense the tension fade from her body as she hugs him. She was terrified her vision might occur, but she did a splendid job hiding it. "Let's go," he says finally, releasing her.

"Yes," agrees Obi-Wan. "And we need to talk more, you and I." He gives Anakin's arm a quick squeeze of comfort before turning towards the doorway. "Once we're in space, we can contact your wife."

Anakin gives him a sideways look before following him out of the room, Dooku and Ahsoka right behind him. Along the way, Obi-Wan contacts Rex and Cody, telling them to have the clones and droids leave the facility and wait for them outside. The three clones who had stayed behind in fighters will be coming to pick them up in the shuttles.

A mild pain pulses through his mind, making his brain feel somewhat muddled. The fight had not been easy, and it certainly took its toll on his mind. He guesses it will take a couple days for him to feel normal again. The war is finally over; there's no one left to fight. Now, they can complete the process of restoring peace, but that's not something which he'll really have a hand in. The real question is: what now? He's been used to going on missions as a Padawan, and more recently, fighting in the Clone Wars and planning to destroy Sidious. He doesn't even know how he could survive without something to do.

He's never lived a quiet life – life outside the Order always seemed too surreal to contemplate, but at least he won't be alone. He'll have Padme, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Dooku. The clones will be there too. Maybe he doesn't have to give up his life of tension and adventure. He remembers, a long time ago, how he'd promised to return to Tatooine and free the slaves. They could still do it. Rex and the 501st would be more than willing to help him, and it's a worthy goal, one which Obi-Wan and Dooku would wholeheartedly support, if not aid in.

He makes a mental note to mention it to them later. Once they sort out the immediate complications from Sidious' death, he should be free enough to venture on another mission. For now, they all deserve some much-needed rest. Force knows they deserve it. The past week hasn't been easy for any of them, and right now, his brain feels like it might explode. Attempted possessions are definitely not fun.

When they are securely in the shuttles, Anakin dials Padme with Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Dooku gathered around him. "Ani," she greets him, an expression of what seems to be relief on her face. "I was getting worried."

"It takes more than a Sith Lord to kill me, Angel," he replies teasingly.

"We have destroyed Sidious," Obi-Wan interjects, delivering the news. "You should inform the Senate of the news, so the Republic can move towards settling the war. With Sidious gone, I expect the remaining Separatist systems will be willing to negotiate a treaty."

"And we are coming to Coruscant!" Ahsoka adds.

"That is wonderful news, Master Kenobi. I will be happy to see you all in person so we can catch up." The last part seemed to be directed mainly towards Ahsoka.

"And Dooku is coming too," Anakin tells her, "We'll be having dinner at your apartment, unless you'd rather we go elsewhere." He can't help but grin. He knows she'll invite them there, but he couldn't help but add the last part. Padme isn't particularly fond of Dooku, unlike him.

"Dooku is coming here? Is that safe?" worries Padme.

"It's not like I'll be announcing my presence on the holonews," Dooku answers dryly, a hint of humor which Anakin didn't realize he had, slipping into his words. "I shall be perfectly safe, Senator. It will be a pleasure to meet you."

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