Chapter 23 - The Plot Thickens

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"I do not think we have a choice," Dooku warns, looking between the two Jedi, "If we intend to succeed, we must go after Sidious in a few days before he becomes even more suspicious." Silence greets his words. Kenobi and Skywalker exchange a long look.

Since their conversation the previous day, Dooku has noticed Skywalker seems almost like a different person. He's still moody, to be sure, but he's much calmer and more level-headed. It's a blessing, really, because Dooku isn't sure how much longer he could have handled him. Kenobi's presence has made a world of difference.

"We must be cautious when attacking Sidious," Dooku continues when neither speak, "His power should not be taken lightly, even against the three of us."

"Anakin and I will fight as a team," Kenobi replies, "We fight best that way. No one has defeated us when we're together."

"Well there was that time on Geonosis..." begins Skywalker, likely remembering their first encounter with Dooku.

Kenobi raises an eyebrow. "We weren't fighting together," he reminds him, "And you must keep in mind that Sidious is nothing like Dooku as we've been so aptly informed." He smirks slightly. "This time, we'll do it together," Kenobi warns, looking pointedly at Skywalker's right arm.

Skywalker chuckles quietly, a glimmer in his eyes. "Yes, contrary to your belief, I do learn from my mistakes."

"Oh really? Then why do you always seem to be crashing your ships?" asks Kenobi, a faint smirk still on his face.

"It's not my fault," retorts Skywalker, frowning at him though Dooku senses he's hiding a grin, "It's the ship's!"

"Do you ever stop arguing?" questions Dooku mildly, redirecting their attention from one another to him, though he finds he doesn't mind their bantering as much as he thought he might.

"Sometimes, but brothers argue," Kenobi replies simply, his expression softening imperceptibly as he looks at Skywalker. They share a look, conveying more through a glance than could be exchanged in words. It calms Dooku somewhat, seeing Skywalker so relaxed, bantering with Kenobi. Those two are brothers in every sense of the word.

He nods to himself. Bringing Kenobi to help was the right choice. If nothing else, he gives Skywalker balance. He brings calm to Skywalker's stormy emotions. They are close. Very close. He's surprised that the Jedi Council did nothing to prevent it. Perhaps they've never really seen the extent of the connection. It's far deeper than anything he's ever seen among the Jedi.

Skywalker could never be a Sith – at least not the kind Sidious wants. He's too emotional, loves too deeply. It's easy to see why he was so broken over what happened between him and Kenobi. The Council acted foolishly, as usual. It's dangerous – if not harmful – to disrupt a bond like the one those two share, but Dooku is convinced it will heal given time. They're too close and love each other too much to let anything come between them.

"Now we need to discuss the details of our plan," Dooku informs them. He expects it to go smoothly. From what he's seen and heard, Skywalker is an expert at making plans and finding new opportunities if necessary. Defeating Sidious will likely require both him and Kenobi. Selecting them was the right choice.


"You do still have your original kyber crystal, don't you?" asks Obi-Wan, watching as Anakin uses the Force to pull apart his lightsaber.

Anakin rolls his eyes. "Of course. What? Did you think I would just throw it out?" He might have been upset at the Jedi, but that crystal is his, so he wouldn't have gotten rid of it.

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