Chapter 21 - A Sith's Plans

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"What can you tell me about Sidious's plans?" inquires Obi-Wan, pushing thoughts of Anakin from his mind temporarily.

"Everything," Dooku answers simply, "I know everything he is planning to do."

"Since we will be confronting him, I would like to know what he has in store for the galaxy."

"Very well," replies Dooku, his expression becoming graver, "He wants to create a Sith Empire, destroying both the Republic and Jedi Order."

Obi-Wan had expected it, but it's still unnerving to hear it laid out so plainly. "How does he intend to go about doing it?"

"It's simple," the Count explains, "He created the clones. They answer to him and he had them installed with preprogrammed chips. If he issues Order 66, the clones will immediately turn on the Jedi and slaughter them, no questions asked."

Only years of Jedi training enable Obi-Wan to maintain his calm. That revelation – it sickens him. It's horrific how the clones were created to be nothing more than a means of destroying the Jedi. Sidious doesn't even view them as humans. Their emotions mean nothing to him. Obi-Wan knows that the clones would never willingly kill the Jedi, and clearly, Sidious knows it too. Hence why he installed a kill switch in them.

Still, there's something bothering him. Dooku has been their adversary since the beginning of the Clone Wars. He's not convinced he'll be drawn into a Sith power struggle, even if Anakin thinks to the contrary. He does have confidence in Anakin's judgement, but he wants to hear Dooku's reasoning for why he should trust a Sith Lord.

"Why should I trust you?" queries Obi-Wan, "We've been on opposite sides of the war since the beginning. I don't have any reason to consider you trustworthy."

"I would be disappointed if you didn't ask me," Dooku returns, maybe a tad too smugly, "Of course I couldn't expect you to simply agree to assist me, but seeing as you are already here, it would be illogical for you to refuse." He pauses for a moment, while Obi-Wan waits for him to finish. He clearly has a reason; if he didn't, he wouldn't have been so certain he would convince Obi-Wan to help him.

"I do not believe as Sidious does, that the Sith should rule," explains the Count, "Originally, the Sith were created as an offshoot from the Jedi Order to return to their original ideals which had been modified, if not completely abandoned."

Interesting. It's enlightening too. "You think that the Jedi have lost their way." It's not really a question.

Dooku nods slowly, "Yes. They've let their fear of the Dark Side blind them to what it means to be a Jedi. It's their fear that Sidious is using. The Dark Side is not meant to be feared. It can be – and often is – powerful and dangerous, but its power can be controlled."

"Its power corrupts," counters Obi-Wan.

A thoughtful expression surfaces on the Count's face. "Perhaps for those who cannot control it," he agrees, "But it can be controlled. I have learned the technique. Do you think I am corrupted by power?"

"You started the Clone Wars," Obi-Wan replies flatly, knowing it doesn't really answer the question. He doesn't know – has no way of knowing – what is going on in Dooku's mind. He couldn't know if the man has been corrupted by power. The crux of the question is if Dooku plans to take his master's place.

"I followed my master's orders," Dooku defers, "There is a difference. I did not create the war to gain more personal power."

Obi-Wan pauses, considering the question from all angles. True, Dooku's eyes are not yellow, but that doesn't mean he hasn't been corrupted. He acts with defined logic; nothing about his actions are illogical or without purpose. And he helped Anakin. He didn't need to. There was no reason. It would have been in his best interests to get Anakin to fall if he wanted power, but he didn't. Instead of trying to turn Anakin, Dooku tried to save him. So maybe – maybe he can trust Dooku is being sincere in his desire to destroy Sidious for the good of the galaxy.

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