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Anakin scrolls down on the datapad in his hand, one arm draped around Padme's shoulder as they sit side-by-side on the couch. It's getting late, but no one is ready to retire yet. Unsurprising. Obi-Wan still hasn't adjusted to not having reports to submit to the Council – nor has Anakin, to be fair. Both of them are freely enjoying their extra time by studying the ancient mystics of both the Jedi and Sith.

"Rex sent a message signed by everyone in the 501st," Ahsoka suddenly declares, looking up from where she's lounging in an armchair. "They're thanking us for saving them from the fate Sidious had in store for them. Here. Read this." She pushes her datapad across the coffee table towards Anakin. He picks it up, scanning the words.

"General Skywalker, on behalf of the entire 501st, I would like to thank you for treating us as fellow humans and not letting us be enslaved for the rest of our lives. After getting the go ahead earlier from Senator Amidala, we immediately began the procedures to remove all the chips. I've heard that the other battalions are doing likewise. We are in your debt, sir. You, General Kenobi, Commander Tano, and Count Dooku have saved our lives. We are eternally grateful, and each and every one of us wishes to continue serving you as you build your new Order." It's signed Commander Rex.

Padme leans over to read it, a smile pulling at her lips when she finishes. "Those men deserve it," she murmurs. "They've been through so much."

Anakin passes the datapad to Count Dooku who takes it and puts down the Sith holocron in his hands. "If not for the 501st, we never would have succeeded," Anakin agrees. "It's hard to believe that they're really free now."

"It looks like we have a good start in building our Order," Dooku says finally, passing the datapad over to Obi-Wan. "We have a willing army to help us in eradicating slavery."

"Tatooine is the best place to start," Obi-Wan informs them. "I'm doing research on the planet now. We can discuss strategies when we're ready in a few weeks, but at least we have a head start." He pauses, stroking his beard contemplatively. "Capturing Jabba would probably be a good place to start."

"Much as I agree, let's save the discussion for later, Obi-Wan, yes?" Padme interjects. "All of you are finally getting to relax and recover from destroying Sidious. I don't think you need to talk about your next moves right now."

"My apologies," murmurs Obi-Wan, dipping his head slightly. Anakin smirks at him wordlessly before leaning his head against the couch. He feels so incredibly peaceful and happy. Everyone in his small family is safe, and they're all here.

"This feels like a dream," he whispers softly, leaning over to kiss Padme's temple. "And no more hiding. You were right, you know, Angel. It was destructive."

She smiles up at him. "Then it's a good thing we'll never have to know what might have happened if we hadn't gotten the chance to stop hiding." She leans over to steal a quick kiss.

"I, for one, am most satisfied with how everything turned out." Anakin starts at the voice, turning to see a familiar figure standing there glowing an ethereal blue.

Obi-Wan finds his tongue first. "Qui-Gon?" he asks incredulously.

"Yes, it is me," the figure – Qui-Gon? – confirms.

"How is this possible?" Dooku wonders incredulously. Anakin senses a tremor of emotion from the older man which is quickly buried.

"I learned the technique to preserve consciousness after death," Qui-Gon tells them. "I am willing and eager to teach all of you in due time." He pauses, looking around the room. "It makes me happy to see you here my old Master," he finally admits. "I wasn't terribly happy with the direction everything was heading before you enlisted Anakin's help."

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