Chapter 25 - Infiltration

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"I think the entrance is straight ahead," whispers Anakin, crouching out of sight of the Senate guards beside Obi-Wan and Dooku. They all have hoods up to conceal their identities as much as possible. Even though Obi-Wan and Anakin won't be in trouble if they are seen, they want to avoid recognition if possible.

"You think?" hisses Obi-Wan, "Don't move anywhere unless you know."

Anakin closes his eyes, touching the Force gently. "That's the right way," he decides. Unlike Obi-Wan and Dooku, Anakin isn't keeping his Force presence carefully masked. He's not the one hiding from Sidious. They are.

Anakin reaches out to the Force, creating a noise on the other side of the platform. One of the guards goes to investigate, while the others watch him. Quickly, Anakin darts forward, staying close to the ground. He reaches the exit and uses the Force to get it open. After stepping inside, he motions Obi-Wan and Dooku to join him. Hastily, they do before the guards look back.

Looking around in the hallway, Anakin soon finds what he's looking for. A maintenance doorway. He pries it open and steps in. Dooku follows him with Obi-Wan in the rear.

"I hope you know how to get to a location near the Chancellor's office," whispers Dooku as soon as they're safely inside, "Because the building is huge, and we don't have time to get lost."

"Actually, I don't," confesses Anakin, "I was planning to just trust in the Force. We need to move up, so anything that leads up is a good place to start."

"Be careful of security mechanisms," warns Obi-Wan, "There may not be many, but we still must be cautious. I'll feel through the Force as best I can."

Nodding, Anakin continues forwards, up the first shaft, deeper into the heart of the Senate building. Thankfully for them, the Force provides advance warning of security which Anakin successfully disables. Many minutes later, they crouch inside the shaft nearest the Chancellor's office. It was much easier to get there than they'd initially expected.

"Now we wait," murmurs Obi-Wan, settling into a more comfortable position.

"For another hour," adds Anakin, checking the time, "I'll worry about the Senate guards nearby when I have to. Let's just hope we aren't discovered in the meantime." Not very reassuring, but hope is all he – they – have right now. It will have to be enough.

"Are you ready to play your role in front of Sidious?" questions Dooku, looking at Anakin with some concern.

Anakin shifts, still tense. "I'll have to be," he replies, not glancing at Obi-Wan when he moves closer to him. Anakin knows what Obi-Wan is doing, and he appreciates it. Just being next to his brother will give him a sense of calm which he'll desperately need when facing a manipulative Sith Lord. He knows it, and Obi-Wan knows it too.

Fifteen minutes before the arranged meeting, Anakin moves towards the exit of the shaft. "May the Force be with you," Obi-Wan whispers as Anakin cautiously pulls back the opening and climbs out, dropping to the floor of the Senate. The hallway is quiet; no one is around that he can see. He slips along the hall, pulling up his hood to conceal his face as much as possible. He senses the approaching Senate guard too late to hide.

"What are you doing here?" demands the guard, pointing a blaster at him.

Taking a quick breath, Anakin reaches out with the Force, pushing against the guard's mind. "Sleep," he orders, raising his right hand. The guard's mind resists the suggestion, so Anakin pushes harder. Suddenly, the guard's legs buckle, and he collapses to the floor in a deep sleep. Hopefully, it will last for several hours. Using the Force, Anakin drags the body into a concealed place, leaving it there before trying to reach Palpatine's office once more.

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