Chapter 44 - Home - Rewritten

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Author's Note: Enjoy the final chapter of this fanfic! This is not the end of the journey for our heroes though! Their story will continue in the sequel, Dark Legacy, which I have already started releasing. :D

Thank you all so, so much for reading, voting, and/or commenting on this story! I appreciate it more than words could ever express. :')

~ Amina Gila

It is with nostalgia that Anakin looks at the Jedi Temple in the distance as they fly towards Padme's apartment. Part of him still can't believe that he was really expelled, never to set foot inside that building again. It was the only place he'd ever called home for half of his childhood. He won't deny that he misses it at times but being a hero and saving the galaxy doesn't come without costs. Maybe after everything is over, they can move to Naboo. He would be hard pressed to miss the Temple if he lived there.

He shakes himself out of his thoughts as they arrive on the landing platform. He can feel his wife's Force signature as she awaits them. Eagerness grips ahold of him as he walks down the ramp towards where Padme awaits them. For now, this apartment will be home.

"Angel," Anakin greets her as she throws her arms around him, completely ignoring their other guests. He pulls her close, holding her tightly. He'd missed her so much over the past many weeks. "I'm so glad to finally be home."

"You do look much better this time," she agrees, stepping back to peer up at him.

"I saved the galaxy," he reminds her with a crooked grin, leaning down to give her a quick kiss.

"Master!" squeaks Ahsoka, sounding appalled, "That was not necessary!"

Anakin rolls his eyes. "Just because you never got to be dramatic in the past, doesn't mean you can make up for it now," he reminds her.

She smirks, "I thought it was the job of a younger sister to annoy her older brother?"

Anakin resists the urge to groan. "You know what? Let's not get into this right now."

"Senator Amidala," Dooku murmurs, bowing to Padme respectfully and pointedly ignoring both Anakin and Ahsoka. "It is a pleasure to meet you under better circumstances."

"We have much to discuss," Obi-Wan adds smoothly. "We should go inside."


"What are your plans for the future?" asks Padme after they're all seated in the living room. "The Senate is in an uproar over Sidious' death. I assume you have evidence?"

"We have the complete video footage of everything which happened," Anakin replies, "Artoo saved it. I can have him download it onto a datacard for you later."

"We will finish bringing peace to the galaxy," Dooku tells her, "And then, we will work to help the people – those who need us most. I assume Skywalker will be going through his trials to officially obtain the title of Sith Lord."

"Yes," Anakin confirms, ignoring the unease at returning to Korriban. He doesn't want to see that planet ever again. "I will. That is a tradition which we should keep."

"I want to go through it too," Ahsoka announces.

Anakin and Dooku exchange a look at Ahsoka's words. "That is fine," the Count decides, "When we deem you ready, you can go."

"I know I haven't learned to use the Dark Side like you have, but I am willing to go through it too," Obi-Wan informs them. "We need enough trained Sith Lords to expand our Order."

"You are planning to train more Sith?" Padme asks, surprised.

"Yes. The Jedi have lost their way," Anakin explains. "Shunning the Dark Side only breeds fear, and it prevents them from reaching their full potential. They will never have balance unless they embrace the Force in all of its forms."

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