Chapter 38 - Victory and Chaos - Rewritten

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Scarcely a week after Obi-Wan and Dooku returned from Mandalore, Ahsoka finds herself on Onderon. She had been somewhat excited to come here, especially after learning that it's the home planet of Lux Bonteri. The two had last seen one another on Carlac only weeks before Obi-Wan's faked death, when Ahsoka stopped Lux from joining the Death Watch to get revenge on Dooku for his mother's death.

Upon arriving on Onderon, Dooku's first act is to remove King Rash and reinstate Dendup, who had been the king when the Separatists initially took control of the planet shortly before the beginning of the Clone Wars. Onderon is an important planet, and Ahsoka knows that every system which supports Dooku makes the new Separatists that much stronger.

"I don't trust him," Lux tells Ahsoka as soon as they're alone.

Dooku and Obi-Wan are negotiating with Dendup, explaining the situation to him. Lux wasn't invited to join only because he has not officially been declared Senator yet. While the King is considering him for the position, he is still very young and hasn't accepted the offer. With his mother's death so fresh still, Ahsoka wouldn't be surprised if he declined, at least for a time. Anakin is busy elsewhere on the planet – Ahsoka doesn't know exactly where he is, but she suspects that he's working to ensure that the transition of power is seamless.

"I don't blame you," she replies to Lux. She's glad to see him; he's one of the only people she knows outside of the Order, and more than that, she... is entertaining feelings for him. Lux is kind-hearted and gentle, and there's something about him that draws her to him.

"I know that – that my mother would want me to put aside my personal feelings for the good of the planet but..." His voice trails off, and he looks at her helplessly. "Dooku killed her. I don't – I don't know how I can forgive that."

Ahsoka feels sympathy for him swell up, and she reaches out, resting a hand on his arm. "I know this won't mean much, but I do think Dooku regrets it. I expect it was Sidious' orders, because Dooku... he never wanted to destroy the galaxy."

"You need my help then, to find Sidious," Lux states dully.

"We need support," Ahsoka explains. "Sidious has pawns everywhere, and they're working to undermine the peace talks as we speak. The more systems that rally behind Dooku now, the more likely it will be that the war will finally, officially end."

"I heard General Kenobi's speech," he comments, brightening slightly. "There are rumors that the Republic Senate is planning to reject the notion that he and your master are traitors."

Ahsoka hums her agreement. While they don't know anything for certain yet, Dooku seemed to agree with that outcome becoming reality. There's a momentary pause of silence when Ahsoka lets her eyes roam over the city. She always enjoys visiting new worlds, especially when it's not part of a military campaign. There's so much to see, so much to learn. The galaxy is a huge place, and there is naturally much diversity, even among beings of the same species.

"I worry," she confides to Lux, "That Sidious will take action against us when he sees how successful we're becoming. He's losing, and he won't like that."

"Then you need to be careful," Lux tells her, nudging her shoulder with his. "You can contact me anytime if I'll be able to help."

She makes a face. "There's not much you can do against a Sith."

"I was afraid you'd say that." He leans forwards on the railing of the balcony, staring down at the ground. "Perhaps I should take the King's offer to become Senator. At least that way, I'll be able to help you somewhat."

Ahsoka smiles at him. "I would like that," she admits. "It might mean you'll get to be directly involved in the peace talks." She doesn't add that him doing so would directly continue his mother's legacy. She died for peace, and it somehow seems fitting that Lux follow in her footsteps.

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