Chapter 42 - Assault

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Ahsoka is on her way to the clones' barracks when the alarm goes off. She hadn't been expecting it, and the sudden noise makes her jump. Sucking in a quick, moderately calming breath, she glances around to see what the current situation is just as her commlink beeps.

"Assault ships incoming," Rex's voice crackles through, "They didn't ask for clearance, so they aren't ours. We're under attack."

With a muttered curse, Ahsoka whirls, sprinting back towards the mansion where she knows the others probably are waiting. When she gets there, they're gathered in the courtyard. Dooku's face is impassive, but she can see some tension in his shoulders. Anakin and Obi-Wan are both in their armor – and why they're wearing it is anybody's guess. If they're under attack by Sidious, he already knows they're both here.

"We don't know if they're here to kill or capture us," Anakin comments grimly, and Ahsoka represses a shudder. This is fine. She's fought in the war for long enough to handle a bunch of droids, because surely, they're sending droids to face them. She's not at all afraid of the homicidal, probably mentally unstable Sith Lord behind the plan. No. Not at all. She's a Jedi. But none of her mental reassurances can stave off the spike of fear which races down her spine.

"Unless we have reason to suspect otherwise, assume the worst," replies Obi-Wan, the dry sarcasm in his tone somehow being conveyed over the vocoder. He crosses his arms, head turning to scan the area.

For her part, Ahsoka shifts back and forth, desperately hoping to get some word – anything – from the clone lookout. Now, they wait. The ships aren't landing nearby, probably so they can't be destroyed. They have no way of knowing the extent of the attack, but a report should soon be coming in from the clone scouts.

It's been about ten minutes before their commlinks buzz. "General, there's droids on all sides," Rex sounds stressed, much more so than usual, "They're closing in rapidly. Grievous and an unidentified commander are with them."

Anakin curses, ignoring the look – probably of reprimand – that Obi-Wan gives him. "What's our best option?" Obi-Wan demands, turning towards Dooku. "Do we stay and fight or evacuate while there's time."

Dooku sets his jaw. "We cannot flee from the fight, or they will follow us. We have the advantage for now. We know the terrain, so we should have a better chance of controlling the outcome. I have called for reinforcements, but for now, we have ourselves, the clones, and our own security droids."

"We're splitting up," Anakin interjects, "Each of us should be in charge of one of the sides of the battle. If we can herd them away or back, we'll have a better chance of success."

"I agree," states Obi-Wan. Ahsoka shifts, hands inching towards her lightsabers, "We must protect ourselves and the clones at all costs. They're all we have against Sidious."

"Skywalker, you take that side," orders Dooku, "I'll remain here and meet the forward advance. Kenobi, go to that side." He pauses, motioning. "Tano, take the other."

"Okay," she replies, "I'll take the clones under Fives." Without waiting for a reply, she races away, calling into her comm for the clones to join her. If they move fast enough, she knows exactly where the best strategic location will be for them to hold the defense line.


Blaster fire echoes all around her, but Ahsoka ignores it, listening to the Force's warnings as she hacks droids to pieces right and left. They aren't falling back. For now, they're holding the line steady with minimal casualties. She counts it as a success. Anakin really did wonders with the droids they had shipped in for defensive purposes. They're so many times better than their counterparts, even if they still tend to make goofy statements at times.

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