Chapter 24 - Laying the Trap

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Anakin's hand clenches around the commlink. "If I do this, there's no turning back," he reminds Obi-Wan and Dooku, "We won't be able to back out." They nod solemnly.

"This is the best plan we've got." Surprisingly, that comes from Obi-Wan. When Anakin throws him a startled look, he meets his gaze with an expression that says more than words could. He trusts Anakin will do whatever is necessary to complete the mission, and for once, he approves of Anakin's methods. More importantly, he's signaling his intent to – as always – cover Anakin's back.

"Kenobi is right," concurs Dooku, "Proceed, Skywalker."

Anakin takes a calming breath as he settles into a chair, before starting the transmission. For safety's sake, Obi-Wan and Dooku remain on the other side of the room, concealing their Force signatures to prevent any possible detection of their plans.

"Anakin, my boy, this is a pleasant surprise," exclaims Palpatine as his image materializes.

Anakin keeps a carefully crafted expression of distress on his face. "Chancellor," he acknowledges, his voice intentionally emotionless, conveying the impression that he's struggling with something. "I know you are very busy, but –" he hesitates, "I – I was hoping I could meet with you." And Obi-Wan thought he couldn't act.

"You know I'll always make time to meet with you," chides Palpatine, using the tone he always does with Anakin, "Is it possible for you to come around noon?"

Anakin nods slowly, as though he's carefully considering something. "Yes. Thank you, sir," he replies, injecting a faintly dismal note into his voice.

"I had heard rumors you were dead, Anakin," Palpatine comments, "I'm so grateful to see you alive. Might I ask if anyone is aware?" Anakin is willing to bet that Sidious is simply elated he's going to talk to him. Just as Dooku had predicted, he'll try to get Anakin to Fall.

"Only my Padawan knows," Anakin tells him after a moment's hesitation, "And I would appreciate if you wouldn't inform anyone."

Certainly," Palpatine answers magnanimously, "I look forward to hearing the story." Anakin can almost see the dark gleam in his eyes.

Anakin lets a faint – and weary – smile appear on his face for a moment. "I will see you at noon, Chancellor," he promises ending the transmission.

"I hate this," hisses Anakin, eyes darkening with anger, "I don't know how I won't accidently stick my lightsaber through him when I see him." He knows he'll have to pretend that he's upset with the Jedi and Obi-Wan. He'll have to act receptive towards Palpatine's manipulations, so he sends his guards away. And he hates every bit of it. It's a gamble, but it's one worth taking.

Obi-Wan walks over, putting a hand on his arm soothingly. "You did well, Anakin," he reassures him, "You're a much better actor than you've ever been given credit for." Seeing the almost proud look on Obi-Wan's face is enough to take the edge of his anger.

"Sidious does not suspect a thing," Dooku chimes in, "He fully believes it will be simple to turn you to his side. This may be easier than we anticipated." If only.

"Whenever Obi-Wan and I are involved, nothing is easy," Anakin mutters, "And nothing goes according to plan."

"Then it's a good thing we have a plan B this time," Obi-Wan reminds him.

"Provided Sidious doesn't foil it," Anakin mumbles, a hint of bitterness in his voice. He stares numbly across the cabin, depression nagging at him. He feels much better than he did, but he's still a long way from how he used to be. It's only worse that he can feel the Dark Side whispering to him almost incessantly, especially when he's already feeling down.

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