Chapter 6 - The Face of Vader

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Anakin examines the armor carefully placed in his bedroom. It would certainly conceal his identity, through it seems like an overkill in his opinion. A simple helmet would have been fine, but this? He shifts uncertainly, wondering how it will affect his mobility and dueling abilities. Well, only one way to find out. Taking a deep breath, he begins to put it on.

When he's done, he steps before a mirror, gazing at his reflection. He must admit that he doesn't mind being an intimidating figure, which he certainly is, especially right now. He curiously inspects his towering, black figure. Armor covers his entire body, and a black helmet, equipped with a vocoder, covers his face. A flowing cape completes the outfit.

It's – it's perfect. He can't deny the surge of satisfaction when he sees his reflection. No one will ever believe that Anakin Skywalker could be the masked Sith, who might not even be human. For the first time since Obi-Wan's death, a sincere – though slightly smug – smile hovers on Anakin's face.

Now, all he needs in his lightsaber. His gaze flicks towards the weapon in question, laying innocently on his bed next to a red kyber crystal. His brow is furrowed in thought as he strides towards it. He really didn't want to change his blade color, since he doesn't want to be so closely linked to the Sith, but he couldn't argue with Dooku's logic. If he's going to dress like a Sith, then his weapon needs to look like a Sith's.

With a sigh, he uses the Force to draw his lightsaber into the air and take the components apart. He carefully withdraws his own blue crystal, pulling it to his hand. He looks at it for a long moment, before his fingers close around it. He will not lose it, and at the soonest opportunity, he'll switch the crystals again. He doesn't want to have a red blade a minute longer than necessary.

Anakin lifts the red crystal into the air, delicately maneuvering it to the proper place before sealing all the components together. His lightsaber sails to his waiting hand, and he pushes the ignition switch. A red blade hisses to life. The weapon feels the same in his hand as before, but it also seems slightly off. Probably because red kyber crystals are not natural. He tucks his blue crystal into a concealed pocket in his armor, intending to keep it on him. Clipping his lightsaber to his belt, he leaves the room in search of Dooku.

He finds him exactly where he'd expected. The Sith Lord is in his office, dealing with some affair or other. Anakin doesn't really care what, and nor is it any of his concern. Dooku looks up when he enters, a pleased smile appearing on his face.

"It might seem a bit much, but it suits you very well."

Anakin snorts, "A bit much?" Despite being distorted by the vocoder, his tone still conveys his disbelief with the comment.

"Point," Dooku replies, raising an eyebrow, smirking slightly, "It still suits your name and the image we want to convey."

"True," Anakin agrees grudgingly, slightly uncomfortable with how his voice sounds. He sits down in a chair, taking in the sights of the office, not for the first time. Dooku's mansion on Serenno is a place to be admired. If he didn't already know of the secret lake retreat on Naboo, then he would consider this heaven. Even the Temple never seemed to have the same type of peace he can find here, or maybe it's just that there are no bad memories here.

Either way, Anakin has found himself feeling much more peaceful than in a long time. He still hasn't recovered from losing Obi-Wan, and he probably never will, but he's found managing his grief much easier than before. It also might be the instructions he's gotten from Dooku over the past couple days. It probably doesn't matter. Focus on the here and now.

"I was thinking," begins Dooku, in a tone Anakin has come to learn means he's going to suggest something Anakin might vehemently protest about. The Count pauses just the right length so as not to aggravate Anakin, but also to get his attention. "Since we may be forced to duel Sidious, it would be wise for you to be used to your armor. I think we should duel. It could give you insight on how to fight a Sith, and if you can beat me with ease, Sidious will not be able to defeat you."

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