Bonus Chapter - Sidious

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Furious isn't even a strong enough word to describe the all-encompassing rage which Sidious feels. He has no idea how his plan failed so spectacularly, but if he were to hazard a guess, he'd blame Dooku. The physical injuries were fairly minor, all things considered, but if not for the quick actions of those pathetic bounty hunters – and Master Kenobi – he would have been dead. It hurts his ego far more than anything to know that he's now in debt to that Jedi.

While he heard the rumors of Skywalker's death, he's certain that his future apprentice is quite alive, probably in hiding, or worse, a prisoner of Dooku. Would Tyrannus do that and not tell him? Yes, Sidious is certain that he would, for treachery is the way of the Sith. The most important question is what caused this sudden revolt? He doesn't have any evidence, but he's certain that Dooku was involved. His apprentice will definitely be on the receiving end of an interrogation.

And now that Sidious is out of the medical center, he can grace Dooku with an unpleasant, though likely expected, call. With no small amount of relish, he enters the frequency into the personal, untraceable, comm. Dooku answers almost immediately, as though he was expecting it, as well he should have been.

"Lord Tyrannus, I am sure you heard of the unfortunate incident," Sidious states flatly, making no effort to conceal the fury in his tone.

"I did, my Master," Dooku replies, bowing his head submissively.

"What have you determined about it?" Sidious demands.

"A dark Jedi came to my attention," the Count explains. "I wished to see how he might handle the situation, but he went too far. His orders were to cause no harm, and when he failed, I eliminated him."

Sidious narrows his eyes, the Force humming around him. Dooku isn't lying, but he's not exactly telling the truth either. It's frustrating that he can't force the truth out of his wayward apprentice. Well, no matter. If Dooku wanted him dead, he wouldn't be foolish enough to hire an assassin to do it.

"Have you heard the news of Skywalker?" he queries, gauging the Count's reaction.

The expected distaste flickers across his face. "Yes, Master," he confirms, just as Sidious has anticipated.

He lets the silence drag on enough to hopefully make Dooku uneasy. "Did you capture him?"

"No, Master," Dooku replies. Truth. Well, that's not exactly what Sidious had anticipated, and the Force hums with warning, though for what, he's unsure.

"Do you know where he is?" Open-ended enough that a lie can be sensed. He hopes.

"No, Master," the Count answers again. Sidious scowls, because he's convinced that's not the full truth. But maybe he's being too paranoid. It's not impossible that Skywalker fled to nurse his wounds – and grief – in private. Maybe he's reading too much into this situation.

"I want him found," Sidious hisses, disconnecting the call. He loathes that he was unable to twist his chosen one's mind in his most vulnerable moment, pouring sympathy and affection on him when his former master was presumably dead. Personally, Sidious always doubted it. He's tried to kill Kenobi far too many times to believe he could possibly fall victim to a simple bounty hunter. No. That irritating man was still alive, and it's all good and well, because Sidious knows that Skywalker was unaware of his former master's fate.

He needs the boy to be here, so that now that the truth has come out, he can whisper sweet poison to him, turning him against the only man who can keep him with the Jedi. Without Kenobi to help him, Skywalker is all but guaranteed to Fall. It's all too easy, and Sidious almost wishes it had been a greater challenge to take the Jedi's Chosen One and turn him against them. Almost.


Several days. It's been several days, and he's heard no word of Skywalker. Dooku has also remained silent, and the reason for that is beyond him. Sidious wouldn't be surprised if his apprentice is plotting against him, for thus is the way of the Sith. Perhaps its time to give Dooku another call. The Count won't answer anything directly, but Sidious will still be able to discern his probable intentions or plans.

Motioning to his guards to ensure he's not disturbed, Sidious withdraws his secret, private communicator and enters Dooku's frequency. He answers almost immediately, a sure sign that he must be in his office or at least not too distracted. Or maybe he doesn't want his master to become suspicious; Sidious is not certain.

"Lord Tyrannus," he begins darkly, picking and choosing his words with caution. Even though Dooku bowed as normal and nothing in his attitude indicates that he's plotting treason, Sidious can sense that something is amiss in the Force. "I have heard rumors that Skywalker has killed himself, but I know he still lives."

"I have heard nothing," Dooku replies quietly, obviously referring to the latter part of the statement. The rumors of Skywalker's death have spread like wild, and while he hasn't personally looked, Sidious has heard that the speculations as to his whereabouts have swept through the holonews.

"I do not know where he has gone," Sidious continues in a slow, measured tone, even as he probes outwards with the Force, "But I want you to find him. Do not fail me, Lord Tyannus. I want you to capture Skywalker at any cost." He pauses slightly, considering his options. If he's right, and Dooku does indeed have Skywalker, then he must be vigilant. "If necessary, you can use Kenobi to draw him out of hiding. That man has been a thorn in my side since the beginning, and I would not be upset if he met... an unfortunate fate."

For all intents and purposes, that's an order that Dooku have Kenobi eliminated once and for all. It's not something which he expects the Count will do, and if he doesn't, he'll act on his own. More than likely, Dooku will try – and succeed if he has Skywalker – to recruit Kenobi to his cause. They'll launch an attack on Sidious personally. He's not concerned. He has many cards which he can use to divide them, singling out the boy to make him his own.

"I understand, my Master," answers Dooku, bowing his head.

"Good," chuckles Sidious, "See to it, my apprentice." With those words, he disconnects the transmission, a cold, cruel smile spreading across his face as he imagines the moment that Skywalker kneels at his feet despite Kenobi's protests and pleas. Oh, the joy. The victory. He'll relish the opportunity to rub the victory in Kenobi's face before killing him before his erstwhile apprentice's eyes. Kenobi will be dead. Dooku will join him. And Skywalker will be his. He'll lay the galaxy at his new master's feet.

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