Chapter 41 - Coming Clean

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Padme hurries down the hallway towards her office. She needs to spend some time reviewing the newest bills the Senate has put on the floor. Even though the Republic is trying to come to terms with the fact that Palpatine was a Sith, that doesn't stop the intrigue of politics – or the amount of work she has to do. If anything, it's just gotten worse these past few days. Many Senators are pushing to add positions so as to avoid a repeat of what just occurred. Personally, she supports it. Fighting for giving the Chancellor less power as well as navigating the elections and supporting Senator Mon Mothma is taking up all her time.

"Padme," calls a familiar voice. She turns to see Bail Organa walking towards her, his expression troubled.

"Yes, Bail, what is it?" she asks, motioning him into her office.

"I have received a recording along with a group of other Senators," he explains, "It seems the Jedi Council has not been entirely truthful when they confirmed Count Dooku's statement that he is being watched by Jedi."

Padme can feel a chill run through her. She knows very well that Anakin is no longer a Jedi, despite Dooku's claim to the contrary. Is it possible that someone uncovered this, and if so, will it destroy the peace process?

"Explain," she frowns, "What do you mean?"

"It would be better if you watched this," Bail replies, pulling out a holodisk and turning it on. The hologram immediately comes to life.

Dooku walks into the line of sight of the recording followed by three figures. The first is a black-armored man, walking with a familiar gate. The second is also armored, and the third – shorter than the others – is wearing a hood. On the other side, Lux Bonteri enters. Padme restrains a gasp. She'd heard rumors that after Dooku split the Separatists, Onderon had joined Dooku, and Lux had been chosen as a Senator to replace his mother, but until now, she hadn't known they were the truth.

"Greetings, Count," Lux greets him, bowing respectfully. There's a distinct note of mild surprise in his voice which she doesn't miss.

"Senator Bonteri," replies Dooku, "I am sure you know why we are here. The situation has become more serious than I'd initially imagined."

"Yes, of course," answers Lux, his gaze turning towards the shorter figure. He tips his head slightly, and from the angle, she can see him smile slightly. "The last time I saw you with... my mother's friend, I wouldn't have expected you to show up next in the company of the Count." His tone carries amusement along with some familiarity.

Padme swallows. It's Ahsoka. She knows it is. "Nor would I," the painfully familiar voice answers, "At last not until a month ago." A month. Yes. It's been a month since she heard Anakin was expelled from the Order. She's relieved that Ahsoka is still with him. Her and Obi-Wan both. Together, they can help Anakin, at least as much as he'll let them.

Lux chuckles quietly, turning towards the other two figures. "And I'm guessing these are Generals Sky–"

"Lord Vader," the black-armored man smoothly interrupts before motioning to his companion, "This is Lord Aristaeus." She... did not expect that to be Obi-Wan's Sith name. She didn't even realize that he would get one.

Lux doesn't even blink at the interruption. "As you wish," he murmurs, turning, "Come with me. We have a lot to discuss."

They walk out of sight, and the recording ends. Padme sits back, the implications dawning on her. Dooku will be seen as a liar if word gets out that Anakin is no longer a Jedi and is going by a Sith name. People will put two and two together, and the situation will get out of control. This has the potential to become very, very bad.

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