Chapter 31 - Aftermath

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"Anakin Skywalker, the Council has decided that until you restore your balance firmly in the Light Side, you will be expelled from the Order," announces Windu.

To his credit, Anakin doesn't react visibly immediately, but Obi-Wan sees a flash of hurt in his eyes. He can feel the swell of pain and confusion in his brother. He reaches out towards Anakin, giving him his silent support.

"What? How can you do that?" demands Anakin, a hard edge slipping into his tone.

"We're doing what is best for the Order," Windu explains stiffly, "If you cannot control yourself, it's a risk for you to remain in a position where you can negatively influence others."

Anakin's eyes narrow. Obi-Wan senses that he's becoming upset. Anakin can't handle being vulnerable very well, and he knows that's how his brother is feeling. "That's not fair," Anakin accuses, "You made me unbalanced."

"Your lack of control allowed it to happen," counters Windu.

Anakin's temper begins to rise. "Dooku was right," he yells, "The Jedi are corrupt! Maybe the Sith really are better. I –"

"Skywalker!" barks Windu, glowering at him, "You will not speak to the Council in such a manner!"

It isn't the rising anger that spurs Obi-Wan into action, it's the surge in the Dark Side. He knows that if he does nothing, the Council will see exactly how close Anakin is to Falling, and he cannot let that happen.

"Anakin, no!" exclaims Obi-Wan, managing to stand up without looking too frantic. He strides towards Anakin a little faster than normal, his urgency apparent. Reaching out, he rests both hands on Anakin's shoulders, forcing him to meet his gaze. Already, he can see streaks of yellow appearing.

"Calm yourself," he admonishes gently, lacing his words with a Force suggestion and sending soothing emotions through the Force. He can feel Anakin struggling as his emotions spiral out of control. "Calm," he repeats quietly.

Anakin pinches his eyes closed; his breathing ragged. He rests his left hand on Obi-Wan's arm, holding on like it's his only anchor to reality. His right hand clenches so hard, the gears squeal in protest of the pressure. No one moves or speaks, but Obi-Wan can sense the uncertainty, unease, and suspicion among the Council members. It doesn't matter. Not right now. He needs to give Anakin his full attention until he's under control again.

"I'm sorry, Master," whispers Anakin, opening his eyes, guilt swirling within them.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," Obi-Wan replies softly, his grip on Anakin's shoulders tightening, "It's not your fault this happened to you." It's mine. He blames himself, of course. He could have done something to prevent it. He should have, and because he didn't, Anakin is slipping far too close to the Dark Side.

"It's not – you can't blame yourself," retorts Anakin, frowning, "You couldn't have stopped this from happening." And about that, Anakin is wrong. Obi-Wan could have done something. He didn't need to let Anakin think him dead.

"Yes, I could have." When he answers, his voice is firm. "I should have. You said it yourself," he adds, a hint of bitterness creeping into his tone, "It's all my fault."

Anakin's hand tightens on Obi-Wan's arm, the look of guilt in his eyes only increasing. "If I'd tried, I could have –"

Obi-Wan cuts him off mid-sentence. "No, Anakin. You did everything you could. You did more than any Jedi in your position could have." Anakin doesn't respond to that declaration, his eyes dropping down to stare at the floor. If they weren't in front of the Council, Obi-Wan is certain he would have said something else – something he doesn't want anyone else to hear.

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