Chapter 3 - Goodbye - Rewritten

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Ahsoka Tano is worried. Her master disappeared from the Temple earlier in the afternoon and hasn't returned. And he's not answering him commlink either. She knows because she tried calling him several times. She has no idea where he could have gone this time, and she's only worried because he's been acting so... different.

Ever since Obi-Wan died, he became extremely quiet and withdrawn. She's never seen him look so exhausted when not at war. But what worries her the most is his anger. He didn't lash out at anyone, but she could feel a burning anger simmering in him through the Force. And it scares her.

Ahsoka paces back and forth in her room, trying to reassure herself that Anakin is alright. "He'll be fine," she mutters, "He'll be back soon and laugh at me for worrying." Not helping.

She stops in the middle of the floor. She just has this feeling that something is off, and it seems to center around Anakin's absence. Maybe. She closes her eyes, reaching out with the Force and trying to sense what's wrong. Around her, in the Temple, the Force is flowing as it always does. There is no whispers or warnings of impending danger. What then, is wrong? Because she knows that it's not nothing.

That's when she feels Anakin. He feels different somehow, not that it's unusual. But he doesn't feel angry or sad, just something else she can't quite place. Resigned? Maybe that's it.

"Ahsoka," he calls to her through their Force bond, and she starts slightly, not having expected it; they don't communicate this way very often.

"Yes, Master?" she replies. This is odd. Everything is odd. Even his voice seems slightly odd. He sounds strained and maybe a little cautious.

"I know I can trust you, but if I tell you something, can you keep it a secret from everyone? Even the Council? I don't want anyone to know," Anakin explains.

That's strange. Anakin has never been one to tell her secrets before, and Ahsoka wonders what it might be. Only one way to find out. "Of course, I'll keep your secret, Skyguy," she answers, almost hurt that Anakin thinks she wouldn't. What could be so terrible that she would betray him? Did he break the Jedi Code? That seems to happen on a regular basis.

The only thing she would never keep a secret, is if he turned to the Dark Side, but that's not the kind of secret that someone would tell. She feels a sense of relief through the Force before Anakin responds. "There's something I have to do, and I need to fake my death, Snips. I'll be back. I promise you, and then I'll explain everything. Tell Rex. He should know."

That takes her off guard. What could be so serious that he would fake his death? From his tone, she knows she won't get any answers. Now she understands why he told her. He cares about her. He doesn't want her to be hurt.

"Thanks for trusting me, Master. I won't tell anyone. I promise." He doesn't answer, but she can feel his smile and gratitude. With a smile of her own, Ahsoka opens her eyes, pulling out from the Force. She hardly feels Anakin pull away from her as their bond goes eerily silent. It's not broken, but it's being buried, and she doesn't like the feeling.

Ahsoka frowns, realizing that this means she won't be able to contact Anakin until he decides to return from – from wherever he's going. Please be careful, Master. I don't want to lose you too.


Padme Amidala is very busy. So much is happening at the Senate, and she's having a hard time keeping up with everything. It doesn't help that one of her closest friends, Obi-Wan, just recently died. As heartbroken as she is, she's even more concerned for Anakin. He's not been himself. He's been sullen and moody. He hardly responds to anyone, and she hasn't even seen him since the funeral.

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