Bonus Chapter - Obi-Wan

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Obi-Wan shifts in his crouched position inside the ventilation shaft, silently cursing the necessity of hiding in such a cramped place. But really, this was their only option. It's much tenser now that Anakin is gone to fulfill his part of the plan. They could have all gone in there at once, but much as Obi-Wan didn't want to admit it, it was best that Anakin provide some sort of distraction. He's not entirely convinced that Sidious bought the act, but it's better than nothing.

Closing his eyes, he reaches out to the Force as unobtrusively as possible. The Force flows smoothly around them, but for a moment, he can almost see the shifting of the future. What they've done will forever change fate, regardless of the outcome of the fight. And then, blurred images flash before Obi-Wan's mind as the Force warns him of a previously unexpected danger. He sees, for a moment, rows of clones marching up to the Temple, shooting down all the Jedi in their path, and he fears that they've made a terrible mistake. Instead of stopping the dark future, did they just make it worse?

"Count." The urgency in Obi-Wan's voice draws Dooku's attention instantly.

"What's wrong?" Dooku whispers.

"I saw something," Obi-Wan answers, voice just as low. "For a second, I saw the clones attacking the Jedi. I don't – why would they do that if we defeat Sidious?"

Dooku stills, and Obi-Wan can't even get the slightest hint as to what he's thinking or feeling. "Maybe I was mistaken," he finally admits slowly. "Maybe I was too confident when I thought that we could defeat Sidious. If we fail, I have no doubt that he will try to destroy the Jedi immediately to prevent any backlash."

"Couldn't you have mentioned it earlier?" hisses Obi-Wan with no small amount of aggravation. "We're taking a huge risk if we go ahead, and we can't reasonably pull out now."

The Count gives him a sharp look. "I didn't think it was necessary to mention something I felt would not even be within the realm of possibility."

"What can we do?" he demands, shifting to a slightly more comfortable position. "We could never get more Jedi support in time."

"No," Dooku declares firmly, "We are not going to contact the Jedi, but I have a frequency which should theoretically deactivate all the clones' chips. If we broadcast it, then we should cover up that loose end."

Obi-Wan doesn't answer, instead pulling out his commlink and calling Artoo. The droid answers almost immediately with a flurry of beeps and whistles he can only half understand. "Artoo, we need your help," he explains in a hushed voice. "I'm going to send you my Council clearance codes which should allow you to transfer a frequency – which I'll also send you – to every clone in the galaxy. It's extremely crucial that every clone experience it."

"It's not completely audible," Dooku adds while Artoo beeps what must be an agreement.

"Can the chips be reactivated?" Obi-Wan queries as he types his Council clearance code into the commlink, sending it to the faithful astromech.

"Yes, but only on a mechanical basis," the Count tells him. "If this works – the Kaminoans were certain that it would because Sidious wanted a failsafe – then there should be no way for him to reactivate them unless he does it individually."

Obi-Wan feels himself relax, as the initial concern drains away. Regardless of what Dooku – or even Anakin might say – if there is a chance the clones will turn on the Jedi, Obi-Wan refuses to leave the Jedi open to a surprise attack and destruction, not if he can stop it. He passes the commlink to Dooku who carefully enters the appropriate information.

Artoo whistles again as if to say that he received it. "Good," Obi-Wan says, "Send out the frequency immediately." The droid beeps in acknowledgement as Obi-Wan ends the call.

"How certain are you that this will deactivate the chips?"

Dooku doesn't even hesitate. "Fairly, but I brought a separate device which will definitely work. The only drawback is that it has to be used individually."

It's the truth, and Obi-Wan no longer senses the same unease within the Force, but there's still something else. "Will it hurt the clones?"

The Count shakes his head. "No, but the frequency will cause mild discomfort while it plays."

"Good," breathes Obi-Wan, leaning slightly against the ventilation shaft behind him. "Good." He would hate to be accidentally involved in harming any of the clones. They're people who shouldn't be tampered with against their will. Now that they're safe, Obi-Wan can focus on the real enemy in front of them: Sidious.

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