Chapter 35 - Upheaval - Rewritten

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Maul has no idea how Sidious found him and his brother, Savage. They've been hiding out on a small, mostly abandoned world while they plan their next moves. They hadn't gotten far when suddenly, his former master showed up. He had heard rumors about the chaos taking place on Coruscant, but he had paid it no heed. Perhaps he should have.

"Master," he gasps out, scrambling to kneel before the hooded figure. He knows, of course, that Sidious was unmasked and forced to flee Coruscant. "I was not expecting you to come here."

For a long, chilling moment, Sidious doesn't speak. "I have a proposal for you, my former apprentice," the Sith Master declares. "Join me. Help me destroy Dooku and his cohorts, and I will let you and your brother live."

Maul stiffens. He hates Sidious, but he knows that though he might be strong, Savage won't be powerful enough to survive in a duel against Sidious. Not yet. It's still too soon for them to destroy Sidious and his erstwhile apprentice, claiming their places as the true Sith Lords. And he also knows that this isn't a request; it's an order.

As he hesitates, Sidious shifts forward, a sinister gleam in his yellow eyes. "Kenobi is with them," he prompts, "And you will be able to avenge yourself upon him."

Maul closes his eyes for a moment. He hates Sidious, true, but he loathes Kenobi even more. He survived by sheer will and out of a desire for revenge. But still – "And after I have accomplished your goals, what will you do with me?" he asks bluntly.

Sidious cackles. "I will be in need of trained individuals who can hunt down any surviving Jedi. If Skywalker joins me as is his fate, then you will be the head of the Inquisitors."

And Maul can sense the truth of that in the Force. He doesn't need to talk to Savage; his brother will accept whatever he decides. It is time for him to make himself – themselves – a destiny which the galaxy will remember. He can play this game for now, secure in the knowledge that he won't be killed in the imminent future. Maybe he'll be able to figure out a viable way to take down Sidious. After all, treachery is the way of the Sith, and he wants revenge on Sidious as well. Perhaps if he kills Skywalker... but no. It is too soon to plan.

"I accept, my Master," Maul intones, bowing his head.

"Good." There's so much satisfaction and dark glee in that one word that Maul almost regrets consenting. Almost. But he doesn't really want to die yet, so he concedes that he'll have to begin playing the role of the obedient apprentice once again.

Slowly and silently, he rises to his feet, looking expectantly at Sidious. He's not disappointed. "Skywalker will become my right hand, my enforcer," the Sith Master tells them. "I want him broken, and I want Dooku and Kenobi dead. Eliminate his Padawan too."

Maul grins ferally. "It would be my pleasure," he hisses.

Sidious smirks. "You will have control of the droid armies with a rank above that of General Grievous. Do not fail me," he warns, "Or the consequences will be dire." With those words, he whirls and sweeps from the room.

"Are you serious, brother?" whispers Savage with no small amount of apprehension.

"We will get our revenge," Maul answers, deflecting the question. "Is that not what you wanted?"

Savage nods. "Of course," he agrees, skillfully covering up any misgivings.

"When the time is right, we will take the Empire for ourselves," Maul informs his brother when he knows that Sidious is too far away to hear. He can almost see that day, but he refuses to indulge himself in dreams when they're still far beyond his reach. Not now, but one day he will succeed, and together, he and his brother will take the legacy Sidious built for himself. That day will be the sweetest revenge of all.

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