Chapter 8 - Suspicions

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Anakin lays on a couch, his helmet on the floor. He's completely exhausted. On second thought, maybe dueling with four MagnaGuards wasn't such a good idea. At least not when he's fighting simply to let out his negative emotions rather than dealing with them in a healthier way. He closes his eyes. Maybe he'll be lucky, and Dooku will be too busy dealing with the bounty hunters to find him before he has a chance to recover. Maybe.

A few minutes later – or it could have been an hour – he hears footsteps, and Dooku enters the room. He raises an eyebrow, silently appraising Anakin's condition. Uh oh. He knows he'll be in trouble now. Why does he always seem to get in trouble with his masters or trainers? It would be better not to answer that. He doesn't want to think about Obi-Wan right now.

"What did you do, Skywalker?" inquires Dooku, a hint of mild amusement in his voice.

"I ended up on the wrong end of an electrostaff," Anakin admits, "More than once." He groans, shifting his position to one slightly more comfortable.

"I see, and how did that happen?" Why, oh why does he sound just like Obi-Wan when Anakin did something he shouldn't have? His former master always had a pretty good idea what Anakin did or didn't do, and it seems Dooku has the same skill. Wonderful.

Anakin closes his eyes, unwilling to admit to trying – and almost failing – to destroy four MagnaGuards at once. What had he been thinking programming them like that? Oh wait. He hadn't been thinking. Finally, he opens his eyes, reluctantly meeting Dooku's expectant gaze.

"I – uh – I guess I tried to duel too many," mutters Anakin, looking anywhere but at Dooku. He almost expects him to react how Obi-Wan would have.

To his credit, Dooku doesn't sigh, though he looks like he wants to. "You know that's not how you're supposed to deal with your emotions. Control is more important now than ever, since Sidious will find and exploit every single weakness you possess when we fight him," warns Dooku.

"I know," replies Anakin flatly. And he does, but frankly, he can't bring himself to care right now. He just misses Obi-Wan too badly. He wants him to be there with him, but he can't be. He'll never be there again, because he's dead. Anakin closes his eyes against the pain that shoots through him.

"I came to find you since I'm done testing the bounty hunters. We have a team of six now," Dooku reports, "But I think there is something I should discuss with you."

Anakin pushes himself into a sitting position, even though every muscle in his body seems to be screaming in protest. "Is Hardeen –" he begins, and Dooku nods. Anakin slumps back against the couch, a mixture of relief and irritation flooding him. He wants the man to die, but he wants to do it himself. Revenge may be a path to the Dark Side, but Anakin thinks he'd be justified this once. After all, Hardeen murdered Obi-Wan, and he's irreplaceable.

"I'm actually here about Hardeen," remarks Dooku. He seems content to stand inside the doorway.

Anakin stiffens imperceptibly. "What is it?"

Dooku frowns, "I don't think Hardeen is who he claims to be."

"What?" hisses Anakin, narrowing his eyes, "What are you saying?"

"Let me explain my reasoning," replies Dooku, a veiled reprimand in his tone, "In the tournament, it was because of Hardeen that most of the contestants survived the first two trials. He has an excellent aim, which could be believable since he killed Kenobi, but something about him is off. I considered putting him in charge of the operation, but he refused to kill Eval when asked."

Anakin nods, catching on. "And if he killed a Jedi Master for no reason, then he's clearly ruthless."

"Exactly my thinking," Dooku concurs.

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